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Everything You Need To Know About Tooth Grinding

Tooth grinding (bruxism) is a condition where you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you suffer with bruxism you may unconsciously grind your teeth during the day or when you’re asleep.

Sleep bruxism is considered a sleep related movement disorder. People who suffer with sleep bruxism are more likely to experience other sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea.

Mild bruxism may not require treatment, but people with more severe symptoms can experience jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other issues.


You may notice these symptoms that are a sign of bruxism:

  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Teeth that are flattened, fractured, chipped or loose
  • Worn tooth enamel. exposing deeper layers of your tooth.
  • Increased tooth pain or sensitivity
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles
  • Pain that feels like earache
  • Dull headache in the temples
  • Damage from chewing the inside of your cheek
  • Sleep disruption.


First, your dentist will try to determine the cause of your bruxism. They will ask questions about your general dental health, daily routines, medications and sleeping habits.

In many cases, treatment isn’t necessary. However, if the problem is severe, options include certain dental approaches, therapies and medications to prevent more tooth damage.

There are options to try to prevent bruxism, including splints and mouth guards. These are designed to keep the teeth separate to avoid the damage caused by grinding and clenching. These can be worn at night to prevent night bruxism.

Other Approaches

There are other methods you can use:

  • Stress or anxiety management: If your tooth grinding is caused by stress, it may be a good idea to consider some stress relieving strategies to help promote relaxation.
  • Behaviour change: Once you are told that you have bruxism, you may be able to change the position of your jaw to the proper position. Ask your dentist to show you the right position.

Lifestyle And Home Remedies

  • Reduce stress: Listen to relaxing music, taking a long bath or exercising can help you relax and could reduce your chances of developing bruxism.
  • Avoid stimulating substances in the evening: Don’t drink coffee or caffeinated tea after your evening meal and avoid alcohol during the evening.
  • Practice good sleeping habits: Getting a good nights sleep may help to reduce the symptoms of bruxism.
  • Schedule regular dental exams: Dental exams are the best way to identify bruxism. Your dentist can spot signs of bruxism.

If you are concerned about tooth grinding or clenching, or think that a mouthguard would be beneficial please contact us at or call us on 01723 670500.

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