Am I Too Old For Invisalign?

The simple answer is no! Many people delay having orthodontic treatment until later in life when they are able to afford it. In fact, treatment works well with adults because they tend to comply with wearing their retainers regularly.

Reasons Adults Seek Invisalign Treatment

Many adults who have issues with their smile actually had braces when they were younger but didn’t keep up with wearing their retainer. This has caused their teeth to shift back into their old position.

Other patients have always had crooked teeth but did not have the opportunity to have them corrected when they were younger.

Whatever reason for being unhappy with your smile, it’s never too late to enjoy Invisalign treatment.

Pros And Cons Of Invisalign As An Adult

The benefit to having orthodontic treatment as a child is that they have jaws that are still growing. Undergoing orthodontic treatment during this stage means that dentist can account for growth when planning treatments.

Having Invisalign treatment as an adult means that you are more likely to comply with wearing the retainer. As an adult you are more likely to appreciate the results that the aligners provide you, meaning you will look after them effectively and wear them when instructed to do so.

What To Expect During Treatment

Once you have decided to go ahead with treatment, impressions of your mouth will be taken and you will be given your first set of trays. The trays are normally worn for two weeks at a time. Once you have worn all of your trays, you will be given a retainer to wear at night.

If you are interested in having Invisalign treatment, you can book a complimentary appointment with our treatment coordinator who will help you decide if it is the right treatment for you. Please call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment.

If you would like more information, please visit our Invisalign page or email us at

Invisalign System Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Using advanced 3D computer-imaging technology, Invisalign depicts your complete treatment plan based on your Invisalign Provider’s prescription, from the initial position of your teeth to the final desired position. Then a series of clear aligners are custom-made for your teeth – and your teeth only – to move them little by little. Each aligner is worn for 1-2 weeks before being replaced by the next in the series, gradually moving towards the projected final position. Your Invisalign treatment time will be determined by your Invisalign Provider, based on your specific needs.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible. No one may even notice that you’re wearing these virtually invisible aligners, making Invisalign a seamless fit with your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others. Invisalign aligners are removable giving you the flexibility to eat and drink what you want during treatment by simply removing the aligners. And you can also remove the aligners to brush and floss as you normally would for fresh breath and to maintain good oral hygiene. Unlike traditional fixed braces, there are no metal brackets or wires. This means that in most cases less time is spent in your Invisalign Provider’s practice for adjustments. And finally, Invisalign allows you to view your virtual results and treatment plan before you even begin treatment so you can see how your teeth are expected to look when your treatment is complete.

Is this a new way to straighten teeth?

Dentists or orthodontists have, in the past, successfully used removable appliances for years. But with the application of Align Technology’s 3D computer technology and mass-customisation, the Invisalign System can be used to treat a wide range of patients who wants straighter teeth. The unique ClinCheck® software allows patients to see their treatment plan from beginning to end even before the start of treatment.

How old is the company?

Align Technology, Inc., the company that manufactures Invisalign, was founded in 1997.

How old is the technology?

In 1945, Dr. H.D. Kiesling envisioned that one day modern technology would enable the use of a series of tooth positioners to produce the kinds of movements required for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Align Technology has made this vision a reality. Using advanced computer technology, Align Technology produces Invisalign, a series of customised clear aligners. Each aligner is worn sequentially by the patient to produce gradual tooth movements in both upper and lower arches.

How many patients are being treated with Invisalign?

More than 8 million patients worldwide have been treated with Invisalign. The number of Invisalign smiles grows daily.

Where is Invisalign available?

Invisalign is sold in over 45 countries using a direct sales model in the US, Canada, Europe, China, Japan, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East, and supported by distributors in smaller emerging growth countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Latin America.

How much does Invisalign cost?

As with other types of orthodontic treatment, the cost of Invisalign is dependent on the complexity of your issue and your course of treatment. As a general rule the cost is comparable to traditional fixed braces. And, although only an Invisalign Provider is able to fully determine your cost, prices for Invisalign treatment are generally between £2,500 – £5,500.

How do I get started with Invisalign?

Make an appointment using our online booking request for an Invisalign consultation here

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign aligners move teeth with an appropriate placement of controlled movement on the teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign not only controls the amount of movement per aligner, but also the timing of the movement. So at each stage, only certain teeth are allowed to move, as per the Invisalign treatment plan for that particular stage. This results in an efficient force delivery system that moves teeth into the desired prescribed position.

What are aligners made of and what do they look like?

The virtually invisible aligners are made of strong medical grade thermoplastic material, uniquely developed for the Invisalign System. The aligners are custom-made for you and fit snugly over your teeth.

Can I go to any dental practitioner for treatment with Invisalign?

While Invisalign can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, special training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Invisalign must attend training to become qualified and proficient in the various requirements for treating patients before treatments will be accepted from their office. More than 82,000 dentists and orthodontists worldwide are already trained to treat patients using Invisalign. Find an Invisalign Provider near you.

What is the minimum age of a patient that a doctor can treat with Invisalign?

While Invisalign can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, special training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Invisalign must attend training to become qualified and proficient in the various requirements for treating patients before treatments will be accepted from their office. More than 82,000 dentists and orthodontists worldwide are already trained to treat patients using Invisalign. Find an Invisalign Provider near you.

How often must I see my Invisalign Provider once I have started treatment?

Appointment intervals are generally the same as with traditional braces but can be much quicker with less time spent in the dentists’ or orthodontists’ chair during appointments as no adjustments need to be made to wires/brackets. Patients typically visit their Invisalign Provider every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned, and to receive their next few sets of Invisalign aligners, but your Invisalign Provider will decide based on your treatment.

How long does the Invisalign treatment take?

The total duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the treatment and is generally comparable to that of traditional braces. Typically treatment can last between 3 and 18 months. During your consultation, your Invisalign Provider can provide you with more detailed information.

Is the Invisalign treatment painful?

Some people may experience temporary, minor discomfort for a few days, at the beginning of each new stage of treatment when they insert a new aligner. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure. It is a sign that the aligners are working – moving your teeth gradually, helping you to achieve the final results. This discomfort typically goes away in a couple of days.

Does the procedure work on overbites?

An Invisalign Provider can use Invisalign to treat overbites in the vast majority of adults and adolescents. Consult an Invisalign Provider to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for you.

Are there certain dental conditions that automatically exclude someone from being an eligible patient?

Only your Invisalign Provider can determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.

Are bridges a factor in Invisalign treatment?

Because bridges firmly link two or more teeth together, they offer significant resistance to tooth movement. Your Invisalign Provider will be able to determine whether bridges will be a factor in your treatment.

Are crowns a factor in Invisalign treatment?

Crowns (tooth caps) are usually not a factor in Invisalign treatment. However, sometimes small tooth-coloured composites called “attachments” are bonded onto teeth to help achieve certain movements and are more difficult to bond on crowns than teeth. In these cases, the location of crowns must be carefully evaluated. An Invisalign Provider can provide further advice.

Can Invisalign close gaps?

Yes. Spaces between teeth are generally easy to close with Invisalign. Consult an Invisalign Provider to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for you.

Will TMJ affect Invisalign treatment?

To find out if your TMJ problem will adversely impact treatment, consult an Invisalign Provider. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular (jaw) joint. People with a TMJ condition can have a number of problems with the jaw joint, some of which can be aggravated by appliances and treatments like Invisalign, and some which can improve, remain the same or even cause the condition to deteriorate.

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign gives you the opportunity to transform your smile comfortably and discreetly with removable aligners. The aligners are completely transparent and almost invisible. They are custom made and gradually straighten your teeth. As the aligners are removable, you can take them out when eating and brushing, making it much more comfortable to go about your day to day life.

How Does It Work?

Firstly you will need to make an appointment with your dentist who will take scans of your teeth using our new intra oral scanner to quickly create a virtual image of your mouth or they will take impressions. Your dentist will then work with you to create a custom treatment plan that you are comfortable with.

Next, you can start wearing your aligners. When you first pick them up, your dentist will ensure that they fit perfectly so that your dream smile is within sight. Invisalign aligners are made with flexible SmartTrack material, and laser trimmed to the gum line so that your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

You will have regular check-ups every 6-8 weeks to check your smile is progressing as planned and to pick up your new aligners.

Treatment takes an average of six months, but this depends on how complicated your dentist decides that your case is.

Once you have completed treatment, it is important that you continue to wear your aligners according to your treatment plan. Teeth have a tendency to move once treatment is complete, so by wearing your aligners you ensure long lasting results.

Am I Suitable For Treatment?

During your first appointment your dentist will be able to determine if Invisalign will work for you. However, you can use the invisalign Smile Assessment to decide for yourself.

To book your appointment please call us on 01723 670500, or if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at

What is an Intra Oral Scanner, and how does it provide a superior digital workflow for your dental care…..

Intra oral scanner at Newby Dental Practice, advanced digital workflows.

An intraoral scanner is a handheld device used to directly create a digital impression of the mouth. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

This means that any dental care required, that involves communicating with a lab (Crowns, bridges and Aligners such as Invisalign), can be completed digitally, usually without any in the mouth impressions!

This state of the art scanner is completely safe, does not emit any radiation, is pain free, and allows you to see the 3D image for your teeth and gums instantly.

Ask one of our dentists for a demo at your next visit- you’ll be amazed at what you can see!

Invisalign Vs. Home Orthodontic Treatment

With all of the options available on the internet, the adverts all over social media…. is tooth straightening at home really a safe option?

Invisalign Treatment

The first, most important point to make is that with Invisalign treatment, you are in the hands of a registered dentist who sees you face to face. They know your lifestyle habits, they know what you look like in person, they know what you would like to achieve, and most importantly…. they know what you teeth and gums actually look like!

With Invisalign, your dentist will check your teeth before treatment, ensuring you have no active gum disease, no cavities that require fillings, and they can take x rays to ensure you have no underlying abscesses which could flare up and cause problems. They will also arrange appointments with you for a review every few weeks, to ensure no problems have occured and to monitor your treatment to ensure nothing goes wrong.

As with all dental procedures, there are risks that come with Invisalign treatment, however these are minimised with regular reviews with your Invisalign dentist.

By using an Invisalign treatment with a dentist, they can ensure the impressions required to start your treatment are as perfect as possible before being sent away. Additionally if, like ourselves, they have a 3D scanner – they can take an actual scan of your teeth to send to Invisalign to create your Clini-check and aligners. (It doesn’t get much more accurate than that!)

Throughout an Invisalign treatment with a dentist, they will ensure everything fits correctly, adjust your teeth as required before treatment, and add small amounts of white composite to the fronts of some of your teeth to help create areas for the aligners to grip to move your teeth.

Home Teeth Straightening

By using a home tooth straightening kit, you don’t have a dentist there to take your x rays, check your teeth and gums and regularly review the treatment in person to ensure everything is going to plan. This can result in a higher chance of risks occurring, such as finishing treatment with straighter teeth that then need to be filled or extracted…. so not really the result you would hope for!

With home teeth straightening kits, they send you the basics of what you will need to take your own impressions to start. These impressions can sometimes need to be retaken even when a dentist does them for you, so they are extremely difficult to get accurate, especially on yourself!

When you complete these impressions at home, they are sent away to the laboratories that make the aligners for the online company, so it is essential that these are as accurate as possible to ensure the aligners will actually fit, and the course of treatment you require is correct. If these impressions are not taken correctly, they will need to be retaken and sent away again, adding more time to your treatment.

During the course of treatment, any reviews will be completed either other the phone, video chat or just through a chat or email with the company. This may or may not be with a dentist, and it’s certain that nobody will be there to physically examine how the treatment is progressing

Unfortunately, applying composite material and adjusting the spaces between your teeth at home is just something you’re not going to be able to do! Therefore meaning any treatment provided with your at home teeth straightening kit is not going to be the optimum of what you could achieve.

In a nutshell, registered dental professionals have a professional responsibility to follow the Standards for the Dental Team and provide patient-centered, safe care based on authoritative clinical guidance. Therefore you can be assured that your Invisalign dentist is working as safely as they possibly can to minimise any risks. Dental professionals also need to ensure that they are appropriately indemnified, meaning they are insured if anything were to go wrong. Those who do not comply with the Standards for the Dental Team, indemnity requirements and authoritative clinical guidance put patient safety, and their registration, at risk.

It is therefore our recommendation that patients visit a qualified Invisalign dentist or orthodontist for any tooth straightening treatments, to optimise your safety and take care of those pearly whites!

Invisalign…..made to move

Have you ever thought about having straighter teeth?

Want to get that smile makeover, but don’t want the “train track look”

Invisalign is the clear choice.

Here at Newby Dental Practice, Scarborough, we can complete your Invisalign Journey from start to finish, ensuring you get the result you want, in the way you want it.

Our Invisalign Provider, Dr Emma Skipper, will provide you with a bespoke smile deagin, to improve and perfect all those areas of your smile that have always bothered you. Invisalign is both safe and effective as well as being nearly invisible.

In some cases, Invisalign can be used to achieve your improved smile in as little as 3 months.

What are you waiting for, start your Invisalign journey now.

Invisalign, made to move.