What Is Dry Socket And What Are The Symptoms?

Dry socket is a complication following the removal of an adult tooth. It happens when a blood clot fails to develop in the tooth socket or if the blood clot is dislodged before the wound heals. Normally a blood clot would form to help protect the bone and nerve endings in the empty socket. Leaving the bone exposed can result in significant pain, not only in the socket but along the side of your face.

What Are The Symptoms?

The empty socket may cause a throbbing pain, which can be like toothache, and if you look at the socket, you my see exposed bone rather than a blood clot. You may also experience a bad taste or smell.

Am I More At Risk?

You are more at risk of developing dry socket if:

  • you don’t follow the dentist’s instruction after the tooth removal
  • you smoke
  • you’re over 25 years old
  • you’ve had the condition before
  • the extraction was difficult or complicated

When Should I See A Dentist?

Some pain after a tooth extraction is normal. However, you should be able to manage the pain with the medication recommended by your dentist. If you develop new or worsened pain in the days after your extraction, call your dentist for advice as they may want to see you to check the healing process. If you are concerned about your pain after the removal of a tooth, please call us for advice on 01723 670500.

Is Vaping Bad For My Oral Health?

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your general health and your dental health, but what about vaping? Vaping is advertised as a healthier option to smoking, but is it actually better for you?

Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?

One of the problems associated with smoking is that it causes gum disease. Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, meaning that the blood supply to the gums is reduced. This makes them more susceptible to infection and gum recession. Smoking also dries out your mouth. Saliva helps to protect your teeth against bacteria so smoking can make you more likely to have gum disease. Smoking also weakens your immune system meaning that diseases, such as gum disease, develop at a faster rate than non-smokers.

Vaping exposes your mouth to nicotine and hot, drying vapour meaning that its puts you at a higher risk of gum disease.

If you have a flavoured vape that contains sugar, it also puts you at a higher risk of developing tooth decay. You’re plaque contains bacteria that breaks down sugar into acid which causes your enamel to become weakened, increasing your chances of cavities.

Vaping and e-cigarettes have become increasingly popular over the last decade, but there is limited research into the effects on your long term health. If you would like to read more about the effects on your oral health, click here to read this article.

Is It Normal For My Tooth To Hurt After A Filling?

Normally, you would have a filling done to ease any discomfort that your teeth are causing. However there are lots of reasons that you might feel pain or sensitivity after a filling.

Reasons For Pain After a Filling

It is normal to have some pain as it is possible that your dentist had to drill away some of your tooth. You should expect the pain to go away in a day or two.

If you’re still having pain after this time period, it may be due to a problem with the filling or the tooth itself. One common cause of pain after a filling is that the filling isn’t positioned correctly, and it is interfering with your bite. A filling that is too high can prevent the teeth from fitting together properly when you bite down.

The type of filling that your dentist used could also be a cause of the pain. Sensitivity is common when a composite resin material is used. Sensitivity may be caused by the filling shrinking and creating a gap beneath it.

What To Do About The Pain

If it has been a week since your filling and you’re still experiencing pain when you eat or bite down, contact us to book an appointment with your dentist who will be able to find the source of your pain.

If the pain is caused by the positioning of a filling that is too high, your dentist will adjust the height of your filling to make it more comfortable to bite down. If the problem is caused by a sensitive composite filling, your dentist may recommend replacing your filling with a different material.

If you are concerned about a filling and it is causing you pain, please call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment with your dentist who will check to make sure everything is normal.

Causes Of Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a very common condition for many adults. It can be caused by something you eat, or it could signify a more serious problem with your health. Read below to find out about the causes of bad breath.

General Oral Health

Most cases of bad breath are related to a poor oral hygiene routine. If you don’t clean your mouth regularly, food particles will remain in your mouth and a build up of bacteria, known as plaque, can form on your teeth. The uneven surface of your tongue can trap food particles and bacteria in the mouth, which results in bad breath. Keeping a thorough and consistent oral hygiene routine is the best way to prevent bad breath.

Eating Strong Foods And Drinks

Certain foods, such as onions, garlic and some spices, cause odor-containing particles to enter the bloodstream and travel to the lungs, causing bad breath.


Coffee may have an impact on your breath as it has a strong flavour, but it also affects your saliva flow. After drinking coffee, the caffeine causes a decrease in saliva production which results in an increase in odor causing bacteria.


Drinking alcohol, particularly in excess, results in a decrease of saliva production, creating an environment for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.

High Sugar Diets

A diet that is high in sugar can result in bad breath as the sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth, turning the sweets into bad smells.

Digestive Issues

If you experience acid reflux, the odors from recently consumed foods may make their way back up, causing bad breath.

Prescription medication

Lots of prescriptions result in dry mouth, meaning that the production of saliva decreases. This creates an environment that the bacteria love. Also, when some medications are broken down in the body, they release chemicals that can be carried through your bloodstream to to your breath.

If you are concerned about your bad breath and you’re worried that there is a more serious cause, call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment.

The Best Foods For Your Dental Health

Even with a good oral hygiene routine, brushing your teeth twice daily and cleaning in between your teeth, it can be difficult to keep your teeth healthy. Eating a variety of foods rich in nutrients promotes healthy teeth and gums. Read below to find some of the foods that can help to keep your mouth in the best condition.

1. Cheese, Milk and Yoghurt

Dairy foods are high in calcium, helping to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Cheese contains phosphate which helps to balance the pH in the mouth, removing the acidity and protecting the enamel. Milk is also rich in calcium and helps to neutralise the acidity. Yoghurt is full of calcium and probiotics that help to protect you against cavities, gum disease and bad breath.

2. Water

Water is the healthiest drink available. Staying hydrated helps your system distribute healthy nutrients and remove waste. It also helps to wash away food particles and keeps your saliva level high.

3. Leafy Greens

Greens are rich in calcium, folic acid and lots of other vitamins and minerals that are important for your teeth and gums.

4. Nuts

Nuts are full of calcium and phosphates which help to keep your teeth strong and neutralise acids in your mouth. Almonds, brazil nuts and cashews help to fight the bacteria that lead to tooth decay. Peanuts are a good source of calcium and vitamin D.

5. Meats And Fatty Fish

Most meats provide lots of nutrients, and chewing meat also increases saliva production. More saliva helps to decrease the acidity in your mouth and wash away food particles, preventing decay. Fatty fish are full of phosphorus which is important for protecting tooth enamel.

6. Broccoli

Although some people aren’t a fan of broccoli, it’s time to give it a try. It offers vitamin C and K which are important for bone healing and proper blood clotting.

7. Kiwis

Kiwis are another fruit that offer lots of vitamin C, helping to boost immunity. This leads to increased resistance to infections throughout the body, including tooth decay.

8. Whole grains

Although simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, can stick to your teeth and cause decay, this is not the case for whole grains. Whole wheat bread, pasta and rice have complex carbohydrates which are more difficult for the bacteria in your mouth to break down.

Maintaining good dental health, means eating in moderation from all of the food groups. A good diet is not just about the foods that you eat but also when you eat them. Eating too frequently means that your enamel doesn’t have time to repair itself. Try only eating at meal times and not snacking throughout the day.