The Dangers of Turkey, Are They Worth It?

You may have heard of the new trend called ‘Turkey teeth’ which involves people travelling to Turkey to get cut-price crowns. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that it involves shaving down 60-70% of the natural tooth before a crown is fitted.

What Are Turkey Teeth?

Patients who are unhappy with their smile often choose to have veneers fitted to improve the appearance of their teeth. This can be an expensive procedure, especially if the patient requires a large amount of work to be done. This is why some patients are opting to travel abroad, to countries such as Turkey, to have the procedure done where it is considerably cheaper. However, what a lot of patients don’t realise is how invasive the procedure is and the risks involved.

The photo above shows an example of how invasive this procedure is, and how little natural tooth is left. Katie Price has had multiple procedures done in Turkey. Dentists warn patients against this as every time the treatment is done, more and more natural tooth tissue is removed.

In the UK, there are strict regulations in place relating to dental work, so anything carried out has to comply with the standards set by the General Dental Council. However, in other countries, these regulations don’t apply, contributing to the risk.

What Are The Dangers?

When veneers are fitted properly, they offer a low risk, long lasting solution to your smile insecurities. However, if carried out by someone inexperienced, they can result in serious damage leading to more treatment being needed to repair the tooth.

Immediately after treatment, patients tend to be very happy with the results achieved, often turning to social media to show off their new smile. But upon returning to the UK, they start to notice problems.

Common issues caused by Turkey teeth include:

  • Intense pain.
  • Sensitive teeth, making it difficult to eat or drink.
  • Exposed nerves, leading to more treatment.
  • Infected gums.
  • Swelling.

Although it may be cheaper to travel to Turkey to improve your smile, there is a large cost associated with their repair when they inevitably start to cause you pain. This cost will not be covered by your dentist when you return home.

What Are My Options?

Instead of putting your health at risk by travelling abroad to receive cut-price treatment, consider the other options that are available to you. A less invasive treatment that is widely available is composite bonding. Here at Newby Dental Practice, our experienced dentists will be able to provide you with the smile you desire, whilst maintaining your natural teeth. Composite bonding involves the careful build up of dental composite. The procedure can even be completed in a single visit.

If you are interested in improving your smile, call us on 01723 670500 or use our patient portal to book a complementary appointment with our treatment coordinator who will explain the treatments available and what they think is best for you.

How to Look After Your Dental Implant

Implants allow you to comfortably enjoy the food you love without any pain or discomfort, whilst also enabling you to feel comfortable with your smile. After the life changing investment, you will need to ensure the durability of your dentures by taking care of them immediately after treatment but also in the long term.

Immediate Aftercare

You should avoid eating or drinking hot items, spicy foods and alcohol. Don’t eat until the local anaesthetic has worn off. Avoid heavy exercise until your body has fully recovered as this will increase the blood flow to your mouth and increase bleeding. Do not smoke until the area has completely healed as this can severely obstruct the healing process. If you wear dentures, don’t attempt to wear them until you dentist tells you to do so as they will apply pressure and affect the success of your implant.

It is normal to experience some bleeding after the implant placement. After the treatment you may be asked by your dentist to bite down on some gauze to apply pressure. If the bleeding still occurs after an hour, repeat with a fresh gauze. This should stop the bleeding but if it does continue please call us.

Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids and eat soft foods for a few days after surgery. Try to avoid eating on the area and do not eat foods like popcorn or seeded bread as this can become lodged and cause infection.

It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after the implant has been placed. You may be advised to apply ice packs wrapped in towels onto the side of your face after treatment, but after the first day gentle heat will be more beneficial.

It is vital to maintain a good oral hygiene routine after treatment to ensure that it is successful.

Long Term Implant Care

After healing, you should look after your implants in the same way that you care for your natural teeth. Brush them twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and clean in between using floss or interdental brushes.

If you are interested in having implants placed, speak to our team at 01723 670500 or email us at

5 Common Dental Health Myths

Dentists recommend lots of different treatments for their patients. However, there are common misconceptions about oral health which could lead to other dental health problems.

Sugar Free Fizzy Drinks Are Good For Your Teeth

Although diet drinks may not contain sugar, they are still fizzy, meaning that they contain acid. The acidity can be very damaging to your enamel, causing it to wear away, exposing the sensitive dentine underneath.

Oral Health Stops In Your Mouth

Your mouth contains millions of bacteria. Your mouth is an entry point for harmful bacteria. By neglecting the health of your teeth, you are making your body vulnerable to a host of different types of diseases. There are now links between oral health and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

Baby Teeth Do Not Matter

Whilst being necessary for your child to eat, their primary teeth are vital for their speech development. They also serve a very important role of creating space for adult teeth to come in. Removing a baby teeth too early can cause the other teeth to shift, resulting in overlapping and crooked teeth.

It Doesn’t Matter What Time Of Day We Brush

The majority of people will know that it is important to brush our teeth twice a day. However, some people may not be aware that the time of day you brush your teeth has an impact too. At night when we sleep our salivary glands produce much less saliva. During the day our saliva flow is much higher which has a cleaning effect. So when we don’t brush our teeth at night before we go to sleep, food particles sit on our teeth all night and contribute to tooth decay.

Flossing Creates Spaces Between Your Teeth

Flossing removes a buildup of plaque between your teeth, preventing gum disease and tooth decay, it does not create spaces between your teeth. By removing the harmful bacteria, you are helping to keep your mouth healthy.

The Causes Of Teeth Sensitivity

Have you ever felt sensitivity in your teeth? While pain caused by sensitivity to hot or cold foods can be a sign of a cavity, it could also be a symptom of sensitive teeth.

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

People with sensitive teeth may experience pain in response to different causes. The most common causes include:

  • Hot foods and drinks
  • Cold foods and drinks
  • Cold air
  • Acidic foods and drinks
  • Sweet foods and drinks
  • Cold water
  • Brushing or flossing teeth
  • Alcohol based mouth rinses

Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

  • Using a hard toothbrush
  • Brushing your teeth too hard
  • Grinding your teeth at night
  • Eating or drinking acidic foods and drinks regularly

Other causes could include acid reflux as it results in the wearing down of your enamel, exposing the dentine.

Tooth decay and chipped teeth can also leave some dentine exposed causing sensitivity. In this case it is likely you’ll only feel the sensitivity in one particular area of your mouth.

Gum recession can leave sections of the tooth exposed and unprotected.

How To Treat Tooth Sensitivity

If your sensitivity is mild, you can try over the counter options. Try using a toothpaste that is specifically made for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes won’t contain irritating ingredients.

Choose a non-alcohol mouthwash as it will be less irritating.

Use a softer toothbrush and be more gentle when brushing.

If home treatments don’t work, talk to your dentist for their advice. They may apply fluoride gel to help strengthen your enamel.