Have you heard of the “Salmon Sperm Facial”?


It’s all the facial aesthetics industry is talking about at the moment, but Polynucleotides (known in the media as the “salmon sperm facial after a famous celebrity interview”!) are a regenerative skin therapy with fantastic natural results. They have actually been used around the world in medicine for over 40 years, with extensive research undertaken for numerous applications including bio-regeneration of the skin, improvement of several skin conditions, promoting antioxidant effects, and wound healing.

Who do Polynucleotides work for?

Polynucleotides are a treatment that can benefit almost everyone, and are an incredibly safe treatment with minimal risks and incredible benefits for your skin.

If you suffer from

  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne scarring
  • Menopause-related skin changes
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hair loss
  • Sun damage
  • Crepey skin
  • Tired, dull skin across the face, neck and body
  • Thinning skin
  • Rosacea

Then polynucleotides could be the ideal treatment for you. The science behind Polynucleotides Polynucleotides are a bio-stimulator of the skin. They are highly purified DNA fragments, isolated from trout and salmon sperm as this is known to contain high levels of the protein arginine which is renowned for its regenerative effects. Polynucleotides are injected into the skin in lots of tiny ‘blebs’, and stimulate our own skin cells (known as fibroblasts) to produce collagen and elastin and regenerate the skin on a cellular level. This improves tissue regeneration, skin tone, elasticity, hydration and has an antioxidant effect, making the skin look and feel healthier.

See our results gallery here

What is the treatment process?

Polynucleotide therapy requires a course of 3 to 4 injection treatments, every 3 to 4 weeks,
and the cellular changes take around 4 to 5 weeks to start to kick in to see results. The results are long lasting, and a further single injection treatment to combat any new cell damage accumulated over time is recommended every 6-8 months, depending on your individual results. Know your practitioner and have safe treatment!

Your health and safety is incredibly important to us! At Newby Dental Practice we strive to be at the forefront of advances in aesthetic medicine, ensuring that we can provide our patients with treatments that are safe, effective and meet our patient’s aesthetic needs and wishes. We want to provide treatments that minimise downtime and maximise aesthetic results that enhance your natural beauty and make you look and feel great!

Dr Annie O’Sullivan is an Associate Dentist and highly trained Facial Aesthetician at Newby Dental. She has experience working in hospital in oral and maxillofacial surgery as part of her dental career, and greatly appreciates and understands the complex anatomy and physiology of the head and neck. Dr O’Sullivan is a registered practitioner with the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners and is passionate about providing safe, holistic treatments that give natural, feel-good results.

The aesthetics industry is still highly unregulated, so always make sure that you know your practitioner and you know what you are having injected into your skin. You only get one body, take care of it and ensure your treatment is safe.

For more information If you would like to know more and have facial aesthetic treatment that you can trust in, please contact our friendly team at Newby Dental who will book you an initial completely free consultation with one of our coordination team.

They will chat you through the treatments we offer here, the steps of treatment and costings, and answer any questions you may have at the initial stage.

If you’d then like to proceed, you will be booked a Clinician Consultation with Dr Annie O’Sullivan, who will then discuss your individual cosmetic wishes and the treatments appropriate for you as part of an individualised treatment plan.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you look and feel your best!
Contact us for more information here

Invisalign System Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Using advanced 3D computer-imaging technology, Invisalign depicts your complete treatment plan based on your Invisalign Provider’s prescription, from the initial position of your teeth to the final desired position. Then a series of clear aligners are custom-made for your teeth – and your teeth only – to move them little by little. Each aligner is worn for 1-2 weeks before being replaced by the next in the series, gradually moving towards the projected final position. Your Invisalign treatment time will be determined by your Invisalign Provider, based on your specific needs.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible. No one may even notice that you’re wearing these virtually invisible aligners, making Invisalign a seamless fit with your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others. Invisalign aligners are removable giving you the flexibility to eat and drink what you want during treatment by simply removing the aligners. And you can also remove the aligners to brush and floss as you normally would for fresh breath and to maintain good oral hygiene. Unlike traditional fixed braces, there are no metal brackets or wires. This means that in most cases less time is spent in your Invisalign Provider’s practice for adjustments. And finally, Invisalign allows you to view your virtual results and treatment plan before you even begin treatment so you can see how your teeth are expected to look when your treatment is complete.

Is this a new way to straighten teeth?

Dentists or orthodontists have, in the past, successfully used removable appliances for years. But with the application of Align Technology’s 3D computer technology and mass-customisation, the Invisalign System can be used to treat a wide range of patients who wants straighter teeth. The unique ClinCheck® software allows patients to see their treatment plan from beginning to end even before the start of treatment.

How old is the company?

Align Technology, Inc., the company that manufactures Invisalign, was founded in 1997.

How old is the technology?

In 1945, Dr. H.D. Kiesling envisioned that one day modern technology would enable the use of a series of tooth positioners to produce the kinds of movements required for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Align Technology has made this vision a reality. Using advanced computer technology, Align Technology produces Invisalign, a series of customised clear aligners. Each aligner is worn sequentially by the patient to produce gradual tooth movements in both upper and lower arches.

How many patients are being treated with Invisalign?

More than 8 million patients worldwide have been treated with Invisalign. The number of Invisalign smiles grows daily.

Where is Invisalign available?

Invisalign is sold in over 45 countries using a direct sales model in the US, Canada, Europe, China, Japan, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East, and supported by distributors in smaller emerging growth countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Latin America.

How much does Invisalign cost?

As with other types of orthodontic treatment, the cost of Invisalign is dependent on the complexity of your issue and your course of treatment. As a general rule the cost is comparable to traditional fixed braces. And, although only an Invisalign Provider is able to fully determine your cost, prices for Invisalign treatment are generally between £2,500 – £5,500.

How do I get started with Invisalign?

Make an appointment using our online booking request for an Invisalign consultation here

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign aligners move teeth with an appropriate placement of controlled movement on the teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign not only controls the amount of movement per aligner, but also the timing of the movement. So at each stage, only certain teeth are allowed to move, as per the Invisalign treatment plan for that particular stage. This results in an efficient force delivery system that moves teeth into the desired prescribed position.

What are aligners made of and what do they look like?

The virtually invisible aligners are made of strong medical grade thermoplastic material, uniquely developed for the Invisalign System. The aligners are custom-made for you and fit snugly over your teeth.

Can I go to any dental practitioner for treatment with Invisalign?

While Invisalign can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, special training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Invisalign must attend training to become qualified and proficient in the various requirements for treating patients before treatments will be accepted from their office. More than 82,000 dentists and orthodontists worldwide are already trained to treat patients using Invisalign. Find an Invisalign Provider near you.

What is the minimum age of a patient that a doctor can treat with Invisalign?

While Invisalign can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, special training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Invisalign must attend training to become qualified and proficient in the various requirements for treating patients before treatments will be accepted from their office. More than 82,000 dentists and orthodontists worldwide are already trained to treat patients using Invisalign. Find an Invisalign Provider near you.

How often must I see my Invisalign Provider once I have started treatment?

Appointment intervals are generally the same as with traditional braces but can be much quicker with less time spent in the dentists’ or orthodontists’ chair during appointments as no adjustments need to be made to wires/brackets. Patients typically visit their Invisalign Provider every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned, and to receive their next few sets of Invisalign aligners, but your Invisalign Provider will decide based on your treatment.

How long does the Invisalign treatment take?

The total duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the treatment and is generally comparable to that of traditional braces. Typically treatment can last between 3 and 18 months. During your consultation, your Invisalign Provider can provide you with more detailed information.

Is the Invisalign treatment painful?

Some people may experience temporary, minor discomfort for a few days, at the beginning of each new stage of treatment when they insert a new aligner. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure. It is a sign that the aligners are working – moving your teeth gradually, helping you to achieve the final results. This discomfort typically goes away in a couple of days.

Does the procedure work on overbites?

An Invisalign Provider can use Invisalign to treat overbites in the vast majority of adults and adolescents. Consult an Invisalign Provider to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for you.

Are there certain dental conditions that automatically exclude someone from being an eligible patient?

Only your Invisalign Provider can determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.

Are bridges a factor in Invisalign treatment?

Because bridges firmly link two or more teeth together, they offer significant resistance to tooth movement. Your Invisalign Provider will be able to determine whether bridges will be a factor in your treatment.

Are crowns a factor in Invisalign treatment?

Crowns (tooth caps) are usually not a factor in Invisalign treatment. However, sometimes small tooth-coloured composites called “attachments” are bonded onto teeth to help achieve certain movements and are more difficult to bond on crowns than teeth. In these cases, the location of crowns must be carefully evaluated. An Invisalign Provider can provide further advice.

Can Invisalign close gaps?

Yes. Spaces between teeth are generally easy to close with Invisalign. Consult an Invisalign Provider to determine whether Invisalign is suitable for you.

Will TMJ affect Invisalign treatment?

To find out if your TMJ problem will adversely impact treatment, consult an Invisalign Provider. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular (jaw) joint. People with a TMJ condition can have a number of problems with the jaw joint, some of which can be aggravated by appliances and treatments like Invisalign, and some which can improve, remain the same or even cause the condition to deteriorate.

Annie is running the London Marathon 2023

Annie one of Dentists is running the London Marathon 2023 to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support, Cancer Research, Alzheimer’s Society and Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page (link here and at the bottom of the page)

I have been inspired to raise money for these charities from the incredible work they do. Each charity is very close to my heart as they have all supported family members and friends through difficult times. They really do save lives and provide vital support, and I could think of nothing better than putting myself through a little bit of pain running a marathon, to lessen the pain for others going through difficult times by raising money.

Please show your support by donating – every little helps and really does make a difference! All proceeds will be split equally between the 3 charities. You can tune in on the 23rd April to watch the marathon and cheer us all on!

Thank you for your generosity and support – it will go a long way to lessening the pain of the numerous blisters and endless miles to be run!

You’re all great, in the meantime and in the wise words of the Spencer Davis Group, I’m going to ‘Keep on Running’

Annie xxx

Fund raising page can be found here, thank you for looking

From the team at Newby Dental Practice we wish you the best of luck on the day

Invest In Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening treatment improve the colour of your natural teeth safely, in the comfort of your own home. Having a brighter, whiter smile is the simplest yet most effective way to boost your confidence!

The Product

Here at Newby Dental Practice, we use Boutique whitening. Boutique is a premium tooth whitening product. Not only is this the product we recommend for our patients, it is what we use ourselves.
Get that whiter smile you have always wanted with Boutique in just a few weeks! Now everybody has different situations and everybody’s oral health is completely different. We do need to have an appointment with you beforehand to check you are dentally fit for the teeth whitening. This is a free consultation with our treatment coordinator, where you will discuss the time frame and cost of your whitening experience.

How Does it work?

Boutique whitening works with the use of special trays (think gum shields, or retainers. They look similar to this) which are made specifically for you. We will take an impression of your teeth and send it off to the lab, where your trays are then made. These will then be sent back to us, where we then will contact you and have you come in to try them on to check they are comfortable and fit well. There are two ways of using the whitening. Either during the day or over night. Depending on your lifestyle, we have the option to suit you best! You will then be sent with your Day/Night kit and your whitening journey begins.

Dental treatments such as crowns or fillings are not affected by the whitening, therefore will not change colour. As the colour of your teeth lighten during your whitening experience, any dark areas within your teeth may show and become more obvious, therefore you may want to discuss this with us, to see how we can improve and correct these. Your fresh new pearly whites are just as important to us as they are to you! So what are you waiting for? Contact us now on 01723 670500 to book your consultation.

Don’t Forget Your Oral Health This Pancake Day

Effect of pancake day on dental health in scarborough malton bridlington

As pancake day approaches, spare a thought for your teeth and oral hygiene before tucking in to your sweet treats!

Pancake day is often seen as a day of indulgence, before giving up something for lent. So why not spare a thought for your teeth and oral hygiene, before indulging on those sweet delights.

Wondering which toppings are best for you and your teeth? Here is some food for thought and alternative topping ideas for you;

Lemon and Sugar

The nation’s favourite topping seems to be lemon and sugar. However, unfortunately it is also the most harmful choice to make for your teeth. Lemon is highly acidic and will erode the enamel of your teeth. Adding that to its partner in crime being sugar, which is the key culprit for causing that dreaded tooth decay, you are setting your teeth up for two attacks in one! A good alternative would be some fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon… and also just as yummy.


Being another popular topping honey and syrups are also full of sugar… and very very sticky, meaning it can be more difficult to remove from your teeth! Why not swap these for a high protein butter or a peanut butter.

Ice cream

We all love to add a dollop of ice cream on top of our pancakes, so why not swap this for a natural greek yoghurt. Making this small swap could half your sugar intake by at least half!

Nutella/Chocolate Spread

Nutella and chocolate spread are another popular choice. They may seem a good choice, with the high dairy content, but did you know that half a jar of nutella is just pure sugar?? Infact, at 56% sugar it is one of the worst toppings you could choose for your pancakes. Try swapping these chocolate spreads for a raw cacao to still get your chocolate fix. Or even a sugar free, high protein chocolate spread.

Alternatively, you could try topping your pancakes with savoury instead. Such as ham, cheese, spinach or vegetables like peppers or mushrooms. Any meats or cheeses would work. And not only would they be kinder on your teeth, they most certainly will contain less calories.

If you struggle to resist the sugary toppings, try to limit how many pancakes you eat and always wait an hour after consuming them before giving your teeth a thorough brush. If you brush your teeth too soon after eating something sweet and sugary, you could damage your enamel further. Remember your enamel will already have been softened by the sugar attacks and the acid from your toppings. So be sure to leave the correct amount of time between eating and brushing.

New Dentist, New Surgery Built, How We Design our Dental Surgeries

We have a new dentist joining our practice in Scarborough and currently we don’t have anywhere for him to treat patients. Luckily when we were building the practice back at the start of 2021 we added the services needed for a further dental surgery to be built if required. It now so happens that with Peter joining us sooner than expected that that we now need to go to the design phase and start planning the layout.

Here is how we design the surgeries, enjoy the video!

How we design our Dental Surgeries

Peter is excited to join us, especially as he is going to be using a brand new dental surgery. He was previously working as a dentist all the way down in Plymouth however he had previously been working in Scarborough as Dentist several years ago. He’s looking forward to the move back and cant wait to join our fantastic dental team that we have at Newby Dental Practice.

Win A Electric Toothbrush

Is your current electric toothbrush starting to fade, or maybe you’ve not had chance to pick one up yet nevertheless here’s your chance to grab one for free!

All you have to do is like and share our Facebook page along with tagging two friends to be in with a chance of winning.

Winner will be picked at random on the 23rd of August 2022

must be collected within 30 days

If you’ve never used a burst toothbrush before here are the specs:-

Whitening Charcoal PBT Nylon Bristles are super soft and naturally antimicrobial
At 33,000 sonic vibrations per minute, we’re blasting plaque with one of the strongest brush motors
The 700mAh Lithium Ion battery in our brush can give you 4 weeks of brushing on a single charge
3 Brushing Modes for all your needs: whitening, sensitive and massage
Brush for the dentist-approved 2 minutes with a movement reminder every 30 seconds
Details: The BURST Sonic Toothbrush will give you whiter teeth and make you feel proud of your smile.

Its official, we are the only Denplan Excel accredited practice in Scarborough!

Our mission was simple when we started the dental practice……to build a beautiful dental practice in Scarborough which offered patients the highest level of dental care possible.

What is Denplan Excel?

Denplan Excel is a certification for dental practices to demonstrate high standards for patients care, quality assurance and good communication. Denplan Excel ensures we follow effective processes for complying with all regulations above and beyond what we need to. We value patient care and and strive to maintain high levels of standards throughout the dental practice.

Our Denplan assessor came to inspect us in April 2021, they spent the day with us monitoring our processes and procedures to ensure all was correct and in order. They reviewed documentation relating to the safe and effective running of the practice along with further detailed audits and reports. They took the time to speak staff members to ensure training and knowledge about the practice had been passed along to them too.

Who recognises the certification?

Recognised by the Oral Health Foundation, Denplan Excel is a clinical governance programme. It is also approved by the UKAS.

How we feel about gaining the accreditation

Achieving the Denplan Excel accreditation is no easy challenge and we are so proud of the team at Newby Dental Practice for working together to achieve such a goal. At the time of writing no other dental practice in the Scarborough area is accredited.

It is a prestigious accreditation based on quality assurance and demonstrates a commitment to all our patients. It’s great for us to have this but it’s even better for our patients!

If you are thinking of joining one of our Denplan Dental plans take a look at our Denplan page

Its Dental Implant Friday!

So what does Implant Friday mean?

dental implant Scarborough
placing a dental implant
Dentist in Scarborough

It simply means that today is a day that we’ve reserved exclusively for dental implants to be placed on a patient. It’s a complex procedure and requires many weeks of careful planning and organising. Todays dental implant case is the placement of two implants in the lower jaw, to be restored with a three tooth bridge.

What will be happening today for the dental implant patient?

There are four stages to placing a dental implant. Consultation, surgery (to place the implant, which replaces the root of the tooth), healing and then finally the crown (the part that replaces the tooth) fitting. Todays patient has been through the consultation period with our treatment co-ordinators before having detailed examinations, investigations and further consultations with our Implant dentist. All this makes sure that a dental implant is right for the patient. With this being completed, today’s time will be spent in surgery placing the implant. We use the Straumann system for implants which is the leading producer of dental implants, for more information on Straumann, click here

What is the next stage for this patient after today’s placing of the implant?

Once placed, a period of time will be needed for the healing process to occur (which is simply amazing how the human body heals around the dental implant, we’ll cover this in another post as its fairly detailed). Osseointegration must occur first. This is the process of the jawbone fusing with the titanium implant root. Titanium is the metal of choice when it comes to dental implants due to its natural properties which offer a high success rate with osseointegration.

After a period of time and subject to our dentist being happy with the healing around the placed implant the patient would move on the crown fitting stage. This is the most exciting part, in the background we have instructed one of the leading dental laboratories in the country to produce a bespoke fully customised crown. The crown is a one off and designed for only you. Due to this customisation of the crown it will comfortably and seamlessly into the gap left by the missing tooth. The crown will be colour matched to your existing teeth colour making it look natural and almost unrecognisable from the other teeth. With all this in place your beautiful new smile has just been created and ready to be enjoyed for years to come.

Fun Fact

Although we use titanium dental implants today to which it is still a relatively new concept, the practice of replacing missing teeth has actually been around for thousands of year. Archeologists have found that some ancient Chinese civilisations embedded carved bamboo pegs into their mouths as a replacement for missing teeth.

Wanting to know more about dental implants?

If you having missing teeth and would like to know more about the implants we can offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Or if you feel you’re not at that stage right now, and would like to read up a little, more our implant section has further information for you.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!