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It’s National Smile Month!

National Smile Month is happening between 17 May and 17 June 2021. During this time, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues, and sharing tips and advice on how to look after your smile.

Just a few benefits of smiling…..

It relieves stress, boosts your immune system, helps you stay positive, makes you look younger, lowers your blood pressure, and it is contagious in the best way possible! A happy and smiling you, means smiling people around you.

And the best part? It shows off your teeth!

A big factor as to why people avoid smiling is because they feel self-conscious about their teeth; which is why we are here to help!

If you’d like to find out more about the cosmetic treatment we offer, book a consultation with one of our team at Newby. We will be happy to discuss your treatment options to work towards your new smile.

More information, tips and advice from National Smile Month can be found at


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