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Top tips to prevent dental erosion..

The enamel on your teeth is the hardest and most mineralised part of your whole body.  It covers the outer layer of each tooth, shielding the sensitive dentine underneath and protecting it from tooth decay.

Not all healthy food is good for teeth!

Dental erosion is the loss of your tooth enamel and is caused by acid attack.  When the enamel is worn away, dentine becomes exposed and it could lead to pain and sensitivity.

Unlike other parts of your body (such as bones or muscles), tooth enamel is not made up of living cells. This means that once enamel is destroyed, your body cannot rebuild it.  Because of this, it is important to prevent your enamel from eroding. 

That’s why we want to raise awareness about dental erosion.

Here are our top 8 tips for helping you to reduce the erosion of enamel.

1 – Have acidic food and drinks, and fizzy drinks, sodas and pops, just at mealtimes. This will reduce the number of acid attacks on your teeth. Don’t forget healthy options such as fizzy water and smoothies can be very acidic too.

2 – Drink quickly, without holding the drink in your mouth or ‘swishing’ it around your mouth. Or use a straw to help drinks go to the back of your mouth and avoid long contact with your teeth.

3 – Finish a meal with cheese or milk as this will help cancel out the acid

4 – Chew sugar-free gum after eating. This will help produce more saliva to help cancel out the acids which form in your mouth after eating.

5 – Wait for at least one hour after eating or drinking anything acidic before brushing your teeth. This gives your teeth time to build up their mineral content again. Some fruits, which are healthy, can be really acidic for your teeth, such as oranges and grapefruit. Try not to eat these fruits in excess.

6 – Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with fluoride toothpaste. Use a small-headed brush with medium to soft bristles

7 – Children up to three-years-old should use a toothpaste with a fluoride level of at least 1000ppm (parts per million). After three-years-old, you should use a toothpaste that contains 1350ppm-to-1500ppm.

8 – Spit out after brushing and do not rinse, so that the fluoride stays on your teeth longer.

Why not book an appointment to have a chat about how we can help you make sure you’re eating the right foods, and have the right oral hygiene regime for your teeth!

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