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What Are Your Tooth Whitening Options?

Whitening Toothpastes

The idea of whitening toothpastes has been around for over 50 years, but the science involved has improved drastically. Previously they were extremely abrasive and harmful to your teeth as they removed stain and enamel layers. Modern versions are much more tooth friendly and can help to maintain whiter teeth if used regularly. However, they rarely whiten to a huge degree.

Whitening toothpastes contain detergents and a mild abrasives to gently scrub the staining from the surface of the enamel.

Internal whitening

Teeth can darken for a variety of reasons, such as external trauma. When a tooth experiences trauma, the pulp becomes nectrotic (dead). Blood is released as a result of the inflammation and tubules in the teeth become stained black. Non-vital teeth usually respond well to external bleaching, however it is sometimes necessary to whiten the tooth from within the root canal.

Supervised Home Whitening

Dentist-supervised home whitening is the safest, most popular, well researched whitening procedure. The first step is an assessment and diagnosis, coupled with good quality photographs showing the closest matching shade tab.

This method requires the manufacture of custom made trays by a laboratory.

In Office Whitening

The dentist will apply a fine layer of the bleaching gel and leave it for a period of time before using the suction to remove it and repeating the process.

To further speed up the process, the dentist may shine a special light at your teeth once the gel has been applied. This procedure takes less than an hour and can brighten your smile by upto 6-7 shades.

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