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What You Should Know About Your Child’s Oral Health

When you become a parent it’s important that you are keeping a close eye on your child’s oral hygiene. In this post, we will outline some of the developmental signs you should look out for as well as how to approach their first trip to the dentist.

Early Oral Care For Children

Even before your children have grown their first teeth, it is vital that you get into the habit of cleaning their gums to help remove bacteria and any food particles in the mouth. You can do this by using a soft washcloth and warm water, massaging the gums gently with your finger. This will also help your child get used to the feeling that will be similar to when they start brushing their teeth.

Once their first teeth have started to erupt, you can start to use a soft infant toothbrush and some toothpaste. Avoid using toothpaste that contains fluoride until your child is at least two years old. Use a similar motion to using the washcloth to brush the teeth, using a small amount of toothpaste.

Stages Of Tooth Development

As your child grows, their mouth will undergo many changes. The first teeth that emerge are the front incisors on the bottom jaw in the first 6-10 months, followed by the top incisors. The canines usually appear towards the end of your child’s first year, followed by the first molars around 6 months later.

The second molars will appear at about 2 years old and the third molars at around 6 years.

At around 6 years old, your child will start to lose their baby teeth, in a similar order to how they appeared.

These developmental markers are very general as every child will develop at different rates.

First Dental Visit

When your child’s first teeth have become visible, it is time to take them to the dentist. Visiting your dentist at an early stage will make sure that they become familiar to your child early, making it a more comfortable experience for your child as they grow up.

The first visit to the dentist is a good time to ask any questions or point out concerns that you may have regarding your child’s oral health. This will allow the dentist to discuss these issues with you and give any advice.

Make It Fun

One of the biggest challenges that parents will face is the problem of overcoming their child’s fear of the dentist. If your child is unaware of a trip to the dentist and what it entails, it can make it more scary for them. The best way to approach an upcoming appointment is to inform them in the weeks leading up to the appointment. Explain to them how important it is to have strong, healthy teeth, and how their dentist can help them look after them. Give them an idea of what might happen during the appointment so that they know what to expect.

Starting Your Kids Down The Right Path

Your child’s oral health needs to be kept on top of to ensure that you can notice the early signs of any problems that you need to discuss with their dentist. Developing an oral hygiene routine early will be extremely helpful in ensuring that your child continues the habits into their adult life.

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