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Why Your Toddler Shouldn’t Drink Milk Through The Night

Tooth decay is the most common infectious disease in children. Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, are essential for the health and development of your child. They allow for the development of permanent (adult) teeth by saving space for them in the jaw. If a baby tooth is lost too early in development, permanent teeth can drift into the empty space making it difficult for all adult teeth to erupt properly. Unfortunately, the progression of tooth decay can begin as soon as the first tooth comes in.

Feeding your child milk during the night, after brushing their teeth, can cause severe cavities on the front teeth. Although milk is essential for your child’s development, it does contain small amounts of sugar and if fed during the night, your child’s teeth are essentially being soaked in sugar overnight.

How Can You Protect Your Child’s Teeth?

  • If your child requires a bottle to sleep, try filling it with plain water to prevent the occurrence of cavities.
  • Never fill your child’s bottle with high sugar drinks such as juice or fizzy drinks.
  • When your child’s teeth start to come in, use a teething toothbrush and a smear of children’s toothpaste.
  • Take your child to the dentist as soon as their first tooth appears.

If you require any further advice, give our friendly team a call on 01723 670 500 or email us at

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