5 Bad Brushing Habits To Avoid

How To Brush Your Teeth Effectively

Regular visits to the dentist are important to maintain a healthy smile, but good oral hygiene starts at home. Although brushing your teeth may seem like a simple task, there are some mistakes you should avoid to ensure that your dental health is in excellent condition.

1. Not Brushing For Long Enough

Most people will know that it is important to brush your teeth for 2 minutes twice daily, but many fall short of that. To make it easier, divide your mouth into 4 sections and spend 30 seconds on each quarter.

2. Brushing Straight After Eating

The food we eat contains acid which weakens our enamel. Therefore, if you brush straight after eating, you’re helping to erode the enamel away. Make sure to wait at least 40 minutes after eating.

3. Don’t Forget the Gums and Tongue

Your tongue and gums can harbour bacteria which can lead to gum disease and bad breath.

4. Not Flossing

Although flossing might not be considered a ‘bad brushing habit’, it is still vital that you use dental floss daily. Only using a toothbrush will not effectively clean all areas of your mouth. Using dental floss or interdental brushes will help to disturb the bacteria in between your teeth, preventing the build up of harmful plaque that can lead to gum disease.

5. Keeping Your Toothbrush for too Long

It is Important that you change your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every 3-4 months. If not changed frequently, the bristles begin to breakdown meaning that the toothbrush isn’t effectively cleaning your teeth anymore.

Following this advice will help to guide you in the right direction to a healthy mouth. If you would like any extra information please ring the practice on 01723 670500 or email us on info@newbydental.co.uk