Why Do I Need To Wear My Retainers After Braces?

Retainers are custom made devices to hold your teeth in place. They are often used after orthodontic treatment to keep your bite in place.

How Many Hours A Day Do You Need To Wear A Retainer?

Your dentist will advise you on the length of time you need to wear your retainer after having your braces removed, but the general rule is to wear them full time for the first three months. This means you will only remove them to eat or brush your teeth. After three months, it is recommended to wear them every night. Basically, you need to continue to wear your retainer for as long as you want a beautiful smile, otherwise it is inevitable that they will shift back into their original position.

Why Do I Need To Wear My Retainer?

After having your braces, your teeth have been moved to the perfect position, but it takes time to stabilise them. If you don’t wear your retainer, your teeth will shift back into their old placement. This is known as relapsing. If you don’t wear it, it is likely that you will need orthodontic treatment again.

Although it might seem annoying at first, it will soon become a part of your routine to wear your retainer. When considering the alternative of having braces again, it seems like the better option.

After a couple of years, you may need a new retainer. If this is the case and you need a replacement, call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment. The dentist will take an impression of your mouth which is given to the lab to then make you a new retainer.

What To Consider When Looking For A New Dentist.

When choosing a dentist, the deciding factor for a lot of people will be the proximity and convenience. However, when doing this, you need to consider if you are going to be getting the best dental care that you can. We have compiled a list of things you should look out for when trying to find a new dentist.

Check Credentials With The General Dental Council

It is quick an easy to search your dentist on google and make sure that their credentials are up to date. Visit the General Dental Council website where you can search for all dental professionals on the current GDC database.

NHS Or Private

Some dentists may offer a mix of private and NHS patients, whereas others may only offer one type of service. It is important that you understand which type of service your dentist can offer you before you commit to treatment.

Professionalism And Customer Service

It is quite easy to quickly notice the signs of good customer service. This is something that is very important to pick up on as a trip to the dentist can make some people quite wary. A helpful receptionist team and dental professionals are likely to help you feel more comfortable. At Newby Dental Practice are a very friendly team who would be happy to help with any concerns.

Dental Treatments Available

If you are looking for a particular treatment, it would be a good idea to check if it is available before starting with any other treatments. At Newby Dental Practice, we offer a wide range of treatments such as cosmetic treatments including, whitening and invisalign.

Emergency Treatments

Accidents happen and it is always nice to know that if you need assistance, your dentist will be there for you. Check if your dentist offers emergency appointments.


Ask friends and family where they go to the dentist and whether they would recommend it or not. Sometimes hearing from real people about real experiences can be the best way to find out if that dentist is the one for you.

If you are interested in registering with Newby Dental Practice, please call us on 01723 670500.

What You Should Know About Your Child’s Oral Health

When you become a parent it’s important that you are keeping a close eye on your child’s oral hygiene. In this post, we will outline some of the developmental signs you should look out for as well as how to approach their first trip to the dentist.

Early Oral Care For Children

Even before your children have grown their first teeth, it is vital that you get into the habit of cleaning their gums to help remove bacteria and any food particles in the mouth. You can do this by using a soft washcloth and warm water, massaging the gums gently with your finger. This will also help your child get used to the feeling that will be similar to when they start brushing their teeth.

Once their first teeth have started to erupt, you can start to use a soft infant toothbrush and some toothpaste. Avoid using toothpaste that contains fluoride until your child is at least two years old. Use a similar motion to using the washcloth to brush the teeth, using a small amount of toothpaste.

Stages Of Tooth Development

As your child grows, their mouth will undergo many changes. The first teeth that emerge are the front incisors on the bottom jaw in the first 6-10 months, followed by the top incisors. The canines usually appear towards the end of your child’s first year, followed by the first molars around 6 months later.

The second molars will appear at about 2 years old and the third molars at around 6 years.

At around 6 years old, your child will start to lose their baby teeth, in a similar order to how they appeared.

These developmental markers are very general as every child will develop at different rates.

First Dental Visit

When your child’s first teeth have become visible, it is time to take them to the dentist. Visiting your dentist at an early stage will make sure that they become familiar to your child early, making it a more comfortable experience for your child as they grow up.

The first visit to the dentist is a good time to ask any questions or point out concerns that you may have regarding your child’s oral health. This will allow the dentist to discuss these issues with you and give any advice.

Make It Fun

One of the biggest challenges that parents will face is the problem of overcoming their child’s fear of the dentist. If your child is unaware of a trip to the dentist and what it entails, it can make it more scary for them. The best way to approach an upcoming appointment is to inform them in the weeks leading up to the appointment. Explain to them how important it is to have strong, healthy teeth, and how their dentist can help them look after them. Give them an idea of what might happen during the appointment so that they know what to expect.

Starting Your Kids Down The Right Path

Your child’s oral health needs to be kept on top of to ensure that you can notice the early signs of any problems that you need to discuss with their dentist. Developing an oral hygiene routine early will be extremely helpful in ensuring that your child continues the habits into their adult life.

How To Look After A New Dental Crown

If a filling is no longer sufficient to repair a tooth, a crown may be the next option. A crown may also be required after a root canal procedure to seal the tooth. If your dental crown is effectively cared for, it should cause no problems and last many years.

Although a crown can’t suffer from decay, it is still important that you are caring for it properly to ensure it lasts as long as possible.

Daily Cleaning

Whilst the crown itself will not decay, the tooth it is attached to could, which could put your crown at risk of becoming loose. The underlying tooth may change shape if it becomes decayed, meaning that you may need to have a new crown made.

Gum Disease

It is essential to clean your teeth well, not only to protect your crown, but to prevent gum disease. If you are not using floss or interdental brushes, we would recommend that you start now.Although, when flossing be careful that the floss does not become wedged under the crown as it may dislodge it. In addition to this, we would recommend regular appointments with your hygienist who will provide a scale and polish to help keep your mouth free of gum disease.

If you fail to look after your gums effectively, you could develop periodontitis which is a form of gum disease. It results in bone loss in your mouth, so the structures that support your teeth deteriorate, making them loose. It would be very disappointing to have a new crown placed, only to later lose the tooth due to gum disease!

Small Changes

Along with keeping a strong oral hygiene routine, there are a few other changes you could make to improve the lifetime of your crown:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods which could pull off the crown.
  • Try to chew using the other side of your mouth.
  • Avoid hard foods, such as raw vegetables, which could dislodge or break the crown.

The best way to look after your crown is to maintain great oral care and treat your crown as you would your natural teeth, the tooth beneath the crown still needs protection from decay and gum disease. Crowns are still susceptible to cracking and wear and tear so be careful when eating hard foods.

If you are interested in having a crown, please call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment.

What Is Causing Your Mouth Pain And What Can You Do?

Mouth pain has many possible sources, including injuries, sores and certain diseases. Keep reading to learn the potential causes of your mouth pain.


You may experience some pain in your mouth if you have had an accident, such as falling over and biting your your lip or tongue. This can cause discomfort and tenderness on the inside of your mouth.

Similarly, you can injure our mouth by biting into food that is too hot. This could result in the roof of your mouth becoming burnt.

Dry Mouth

The salivary glands in your mouth produce saliva that helps to keep your mouth hydrated. If these glands stop producing as much saliva, it causes dry mouth. This can lead to mouth sores or a rough tongue.

In most cases, dry mouth is caused by dehydration but there are other causes, such as certain medications and cancer treatments.

Herpes Simplex Virus

HSV is the virus that causes cold sores

Although cold sores are usually associated with the lips, if you have only recently been infected with the virus, you may develop painful lesions on your tongue, gums and throat.

other symptoms of the virus include:

  • A sore throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • A fever
  • Muscle aches

Other Infections

As well as HSV, there are other diseases that can cause painful lesions to occur in your mouth:

  • Chickenpox
  • Shingles
  • Hand, foot and mouth disease
  • HIV
  • Infectious mononucleosis

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is a fungal infection and anyone can get it but you will be more prone to infection if you have a weakened immune system or underlying health conditions.

Oral thrush can appear as cream-coloured lesions in many places within your mouth.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect many areas of the mouth including:

  • Roof of the mouth
  • Insides of the cheeks
  • Back of the mouth
  • Tongue
  • Salivary glands
  • Gums

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Painful lesions that won’t heal
  • Lumps or growths
  • White or red patches inside the mouth
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing
  • Numbness in the lower lip, face, neck or chin.

Risk factors include:

  • HPV infection
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • A weakened immune system
  • A family history of cancer
  • Being male

Home Remedies For Mouth Pain

  • Take an over the counter painkiller like ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  • Make a saltwater rinse.
  • Apply ice.
  • Avoid spicy, acidic or salty foods.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Brush and floss your teeth gently.

For more information on other causes of mouth pain, click here.

If your mouth pain doesn’t subside with over the counter medication, call us on 01723 670500 for advice.

Tooth Replacement Options After An Extraction

After you undergo an extraction you will need to replace the tooth. If not replaced, the bones in your mouth can weaken and lose density. Other teeth might also shift, which could cause difficulty eating as well as speaking. There are multiple options to replace your extracted teeth.

1. Dental Implant

Implants are a fixed alternative to removable dentures that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Titanium screws are drilled into the jaw bone. Implants tend to be secure and feel like natural teeth, which makes them very popular.

2. Partial Denture

A partial denture is a plate with one or more false teeth attached to it. It may be all plastic or it may contain some metal too. Both types will have metal clasps to help the denture stay in place.

3. Fixed Bridges

A dental bridge is a false tooth that is held in place by the teeth on either side of the gap. The bridge is cemented in place and can only be removed by the dentist.

Why Is Tooth Replacement Necessary?

Patients can suffer from a wide range of negative consequences if they decide against a tooth replacement. A missing tooth affects the ability to eat. Forces may shift onto the adjoining teeth, which can cause damage.

Your appearance may also change. Not only will a missing tooth be visible in your smile, but as your teeth start to shift, it will affect the alignment of your mouth.

If you are interested to find out more about your options to replace a missing tooth, read more about implants here, or call us on 01723 670500.

Possible Issues And Side Effects Of Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a very safe procedure when performed correctly. However, there are some side effects that you should be aware of prior to your appointment.


The most common side effect of any whitening procedure is sensitivity. This problem affects up to 75% of whitening patients. The bleaching solution can remove minerals within the enamel making it more vulnerable to sensitivity.

Gingival Irritation

Gingival irritation occurs when the whitening gel has prolonged contact with the gingival tissue. This can be avoided by only filling the dosing dots on the tray and no more. This will help to avoid the excess use of gel and, therefore, gingival irritation. If you do apply too much of the whitening gel, use a clean tissue or soft toothbrush to remove it.

Disappointing Results

Tooth whitening is not an exact science, and in some instances teeth whitening does not result in perfectly white teeth. This could be due to the severity of the stains or even your genetics. Tooth whitening only helps to get teeth back to their original brightness and not any brighter, and some teeth are naturally less white than others.

Teeth Grinding

If you find that you grind your teeth during the night, overnight whitening may not be as effective as you would like. As you grind your teeth, the flexing of the trays will cause saliva to enter, washing away the whitening gel. If this is a problem that affects you, the best option would be to use the daytime whitening solutions. Discuss this with your dentist and they will advise you on the perfect plan for you.

If whitening is something that you are considering, click here for more information or call us on 01723 670500.

Why Is Snacking Between Meals Bad For Your Teeth?

Research has found that some people prefer to snack throughout the day instead of eating three set meals. Although it may seem harmless, this snacking has a negative impact on your oral health.

Dental Plaque

Plaque is a film of bacteria that covers your teeth. Everyone’s plaque contains bacteria. The bacteria breaks down the sugar in your food to create acid which weakens your enamel that coats your teeth. This means that your mouth becomes more acidic everytime you eat or drink something and it can take upto an hour for the pH to return to normal. The toxins produced by plaque irritate the gums, increasing the risk of gum disease. If you stick to three meals a day then it reduces the number of acid attacks that your teeth face.


Most people that visit the dentist will be aware of the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day and flossing once daily. However, not everyone realises the role that their diet plays on their oral health. If you are prone to snacking between meals, you might want to try healthier snacks. Resist snacks that are high in sugar or those that are likely to stick to your teeth for long periods of time. For example, sticky sweets like toffees.

Healthier alternatives include crunchy vegetables which contain high amounts of fibre as they will have a slightly cleansing effect on your teeth.

Snacks To Avoid

  • Citrus fruits.
  • Chewy, sticky, sugary sweets.
  • Pickles are low calorie but they are highly acidic.

Snacks To Try

  • Seaweed Snacks.
  • Fresh raw vegetables: carrot and cucumber.
  • Crispy fruits: apple and pear. They’re lower in sugar that other fruits and high in fibre.
  • Nuts like almonds and cashews.

What Are The Most Common Dental Issues And How To Prevent Them?

It can be difficult to know where to start with your oral health so in this post we will outline the most common problems our patients face and the advice we give them to prevent them in the future.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by the sticky film that forms over your teeth, called plaque. The plaque contains bacteria that breaks down sugar to form acid. The acid then wears down your enamel, causing your teeth to become weaker.

To prevent tooth decay occurring you should:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Clean in between your teeth either using floss or an interdental brush.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.
  • Avoid sugary snacks.

Gum Disease

In the early stage, gum disease is called gingivitis. You will experience swollen, tender, bleeding gums. If it progresses, it develops into periodontitis which causes bone loss, leading to tooth loss. Periodontitis is irreversible. Gum disease is caused by the bacteria in plaque that release toxins, causing the gums to become inflamed.

To prevent gum disease:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Clean in between your teeth once a day using floss or interdental brushes.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • See your dentist and hygienist for regular check-ups.

Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by multiple things:

  • Bacteria breaks down food particles in the mouth. The decaying food and bacteria can contribute to the bad odour. If you are not practicing good oral hygiene, by brushing and flossing, the food will remain in your mouth for longer.
  • Smoking causes a bad odour and dries out your mouth, making the problem even worse.
  • Saliva helps to keep your mouth clean and reduces odour. If you are suffering with dry mouth, you may notice a problem with bad breath.
  • If you have gum disease, pockets can form between the teeth and the gums. Food and bacteria can collect in these pockets, causing a bad smell.
  • Bad breath could also be a sign of a sinus infection and certain diseases such as diabetes and liver failure. If your bad breath does not go away after treating it yourself for a couple of weeks, it is important that you visit your dentist.

How to prevent bad breath:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Floss daily.
  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash daily (at a different time to brushing).
  • Brush your tongue to remove any leftover food.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking water helps to wash away any food particles and prevents dry mouth.
  • Clean dentures, mouth guards and retainers daily.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.

Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity is pain or discomfort in the teeth caused by certain stimuli. For example, sensitivity to hot and cold or to pressure when eating or brushing your teeth.

Some people naturally have sensitive teeth due to having thinner enamel. It can also be caused by acid reflux which weakens the enamel. Gum recession can leave parts of the tooth exposed and unprotected which can cause sensitivity. Tooth decay, broken or chipped teeth can leave the dentine exposed which can cause localised sensitivity.

How to prevent sensitivity:

  • Don’t brush straight after eating. Some foods can weaken the enamel of your teeth so leave it for an hour before you brush.
  • Reduce the frequency of eating sugary snacks. If you are going to have them, try to eat them at meal times to reduce the number of acid attacks on your teeth.
  • If you grind your teeth, your dentist may recommend that you wear a mouthguard at night.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day. Consider trying a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.
  • If the problem doesn’t resolve, visit your dentist.

Why You Should Drink Water To Help Your Teeth

We all know that there are numerous health benefits to drinking water, but did you know that it’s also good for your teeth?

1. Strengthens Your Teeth

Some areas in the Uk have a water supply that naturally contains fluoride and in other areas it is added to the water. So by just drinking tap water, you are helping to strengthen your teeth. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps to keep your teeth strong and prevent tooth decay.

2. Keeps Your Mouth Clean

Throughout the day, as you eat, the sugars get stuck to your teeth. The bacteria in your plaque break down the sugar to form acids which can wear away the enamel on your teeth. To protect your teeth, drink a glass of water after you eat to help wash away any remaining sugar.

3. Keeps Your Mouth Hydrated

Not only does a dry mouth feel horrible, a lack of saliva can leave your teeth vulnerable to acid attacks. Saliva is 99% water so keeping hydrated will ensure that your mouth produces enough saliva. Your saliva washes away left over foods and keeps your teeth strong by washing them with calcium, phosphate and fluoride.

4. Its Sugar Free

Unlike other drinks, water is sugar and calorie free. Even drinks that are advertised as healthy can be full of sugar, so swap these for water to help protect your teeth from acid attacks. Avoid fizzy drinks completely, as even the diet versions contain acid which can erode your enamel, weakening your teeth.