5 Reasons To Consider Getting A Dental Implant

Missing, damaged and broken teeth can cause pain and embarrassment. An implant may be the right choice for you.

1. Damaged Teeth

If you struggle with broken or chipped teeth, implants may be the best way to fully restore your teeth. Damaged teeth can be a source of embarrassment as well as causing difficulties eating, and in more severe cases, speech issues. Implant restoration involves removing the damaged teeth and replacing them with new, artificial ones that fit perfectly.

2. Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can also cause eating and speech difficulties, as well as affecting your appearance. There are various reasons why you could be missing your teeth, such as trauma, health issues, or a lack of oral hygiene. Implants will help to resolve these issues by filling in the gaps with natural looking, sturdy artificial teeth.

3. Loose-Fitting Teeth

If you suffer with weak and wobbly teeth implants can help you. If you can easily move one of your teeth around, you might want to talk to your dentist about replacing it with an implant. Similarly to how damaged teeth can affect your lifestyle, unsecure teeth can affect your ability to speak and eat as you normally would.

4. Infected teeth

Tooth decay and gum disease are both very serious issues that may lead to tooth loss. Periodontitis, a form of gum disease, results in bone loss. This means that there aren’t enough supporting structures for your teeth, causing them to become loose and eventually fall out. If left untreated, mouth infections can even spread to other parts of your body. Your dentist will remove the infected tissue and and replace the natural tooth with an artificial one.

5. Shrinking Jawbone

Missing teeth roots from the gum and jawbone can lead to the deterioration of the jawbone. Natural tooth roots transmit the pressures created by chewing into the jawbone, maintaining its form and function. The post portion of the implant acts as an artificial tooth root. It becomes osseointegrated, meaning it grows and fuses with the jawbone and transmits the necessary forces. Quickly replacing any missing teeth with implants helps stimulate the jawbone to continue its natural function.

If implants are something that you are interested in, please give our team a call on 01723 670500 for more information.

Top Trending ‘Tweakment’

The nonsurgical trend that will improve how your skin looks – not only instantly – but also accumulating with longer term results!

The days of having to go under the scalpel to give your face a youth boost are over. We’re now living in the era of injectable ‘tweakments’. Ok, there’s nothing new about using wrinkle reducing and dermal filler
injectables to reduce wrinkles and add volume to your cheeks, but now there’s a NEW injectable that will moisturise from the inside out, boosting hydration and remodelling ageing and sagging skin… say hello to Profhilo®.

  • Profhilo® has opened up a new injectable category called, bioremodeling. It is not a dermal filler or biorevitaliser.
  • Profhilo® is the first BDDE-free stabilised injectable hyaluronic acid-based product for treating skin laxity.
  • Profhilo® has one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market (64mg / 2ml) which boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue.
  • Profhilo® delivers great results as a treatment on its own or in combination with other aesthetics treatments currently on offer.

What’s The Buzz On Profhilo?

The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary beneath the skin, hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment. It’s unique formulation of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is one of the highest concentrations on the market. When injected into skin it stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin.

How Does It Work?

Ultra-pure hyaluronic acid is precisely injected into the area being treated. Then, unlike wrinkle reducing and dermal filler treatments, Profhilo® stimulates collagen and elastin, improving hydration in the deeper layers of the skin. As a stabilised product, Profhilo® has a prolonged action in the skin. During this time the stimulation of 4 different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid. Results include the improvement of the skin’s texture, firmness and radiance in addition to reducing the
appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Tell Us About The ‘Tweakment’

Profhilo® can be used by patients of all ages and is the perfect solution if you’re looking for youth boost for your skin but don’t want dermal fillers or wrinkle relaxing treatment. The injections are strategically placed at key points to rejuvenate the skin’s own collagen-making abilities. It can be used on numerous areas such as the face, hands, neck, and chest and it can be used on its own or in combination with other aesthetics treatments currently on offer. Two treatments are recommended, spaced four weeks apart, and
you’ll see the benefits from six-nine months.

What Are The Results?

The powerful moisturising properties and hyaluronic acid combat the signs of fine lines and wrinkles whilst deeply hydrating the skin and restoring a youthful glow. The stimulation (after having the Profhilo® treatment) results in significant tissue improvement. Which means we cannot say that Profhilo® is a skin booster as it also has a significant tightening and lifting effect on the tissue. It is a
great ‘first step’ treatment as it acts directly on skin laxity and can also improve the appearance of uneven skin tone, pores and dull pigmented skin as part of a bespoke skin programme.

Profhilo: The Facts

Profhilo Has The Highest Concentration Of HA In The Market

Profhilo contains 32mg of low molecular weight HA (80-100 Kda) and 32 mg of high molecular weight HA (1100-1400 Kda). This gives one of the highest concentrations of HA on the market totalling 64 mg of HA in a 2ml prefilled syringe. Remarkably this can still be extruded using a 29g needle.

Profhilo Is Stabilised By…

Profhilo is developed by using a patented technology resulting in hybrid cooperative complexes between high molecular weight HA and low molecular HA without the use of any chemical cross-linking compounds. These complexes increase the stability of HA to enzymatic and mechanical degradation.

Profhilo’s Nahyo Technology

Thermal cross-linking changes the character and behaviour of the HA resulting in the formation of co-operative hybrid complexes which modulate the tissues. This is also the explanation for the different biological behaviour with respect to H-HA and L-HA alone. One of the main advantages in longevity. Hybrid cooperative complexes have proven to be very stable with natural hyaluronidase (BTH) digestion when compared to H-HA, widely used in biorevitalisation products, or L-HA alone resulting in the long-lasting release and the dual action of the two HA components. This dual action is ideal for remodelling laxity.

Profhilo’s Advantages

In Profhilo, L-HA is released slowly from the HA hybrid complexes and therefore does not trigger the first inflammatory cytokines, making it very biocompatible. It also increases patient comfort during and after treatment and provides hydration to the skin- the Hydro effect.

H-HA in Profhilo provides a stable HA architecture in the dermis. This gives a volumetric effect – the Lift effect.

Another advantage of the stable co-operative hybrid complex when compared to H-HA and L-HA is the increase in the expression levels of type I and type III collagen in fibroblast and type IV and VII collagen in keratinocytes.

This results in improved skin hydration and quality both in the dermis and epidermis. There is also increased production of endogenous HA and elastin giving the skin a more youthful look.

The Dangers of Turkey, Are They Worth It?

You may have heard of the new trend called ‘Turkey teeth’ which involves people travelling to Turkey to get cut-price crowns. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that it involves shaving down 60-70% of the natural tooth before a crown is fitted.

What Are Turkey Teeth?

Patients who are unhappy with their smile often choose to have veneers fitted to improve the appearance of their teeth. This can be an expensive procedure, especially if the patient requires a large amount of work to be done. This is why some patients are opting to travel abroad, to countries such as Turkey, to have the procedure done where it is considerably cheaper. However, what a lot of patients don’t realise is how invasive the procedure is and the risks involved.

The photo above shows an example of how invasive this procedure is, and how little natural tooth is left. Katie Price has had multiple procedures done in Turkey. Dentists warn patients against this as every time the treatment is done, more and more natural tooth tissue is removed.

In the UK, there are strict regulations in place relating to dental work, so anything carried out has to comply with the standards set by the General Dental Council. However, in other countries, these regulations don’t apply, contributing to the risk.

What Are The Dangers?

When veneers are fitted properly, they offer a low risk, long lasting solution to your smile insecurities. However, if carried out by someone inexperienced, they can result in serious damage leading to more treatment being needed to repair the tooth.

Immediately after treatment, patients tend to be very happy with the results achieved, often turning to social media to show off their new smile. But upon returning to the UK, they start to notice problems.

Common issues caused by Turkey teeth include:

  • Intense pain.
  • Sensitive teeth, making it difficult to eat or drink.
  • Exposed nerves, leading to more treatment.
  • Infected gums.
  • Swelling.

Although it may be cheaper to travel to Turkey to improve your smile, there is a large cost associated with their repair when they inevitably start to cause you pain. This cost will not be covered by your dentist when you return home.

What Are My Options?

Instead of putting your health at risk by travelling abroad to receive cut-price treatment, consider the other options that are available to you. A less invasive treatment that is widely available is composite bonding. Here at Newby Dental Practice, our experienced dentists will be able to provide you with the smile you desire, whilst maintaining your natural teeth. Composite bonding involves the careful build up of dental composite. The procedure can even be completed in a single visit.

If you are interested in improving your smile, call us on 01723 670500 or use our patient portal to book a complementary appointment with our treatment coordinator who will explain the treatments available and what they think is best for you.

How to Look After Your Dental Implant

Implants allow you to comfortably enjoy the food you love without any pain or discomfort, whilst also enabling you to feel comfortable with your smile. After the life changing investment, you will need to ensure the durability of your dentures by taking care of them immediately after treatment but also in the long term.

Immediate Aftercare

You should avoid eating or drinking hot items, spicy foods and alcohol. Don’t eat until the local anaesthetic has worn off. Avoid heavy exercise until your body has fully recovered as this will increase the blood flow to your mouth and increase bleeding. Do not smoke until the area has completely healed as this can severely obstruct the healing process. If you wear dentures, don’t attempt to wear them until you dentist tells you to do so as they will apply pressure and affect the success of your implant.

It is normal to experience some bleeding after the implant placement. After the treatment you may be asked by your dentist to bite down on some gauze to apply pressure. If the bleeding still occurs after an hour, repeat with a fresh gauze. This should stop the bleeding but if it does continue please call us.

Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids and eat soft foods for a few days after surgery. Try to avoid eating on the area and do not eat foods like popcorn or seeded bread as this can become lodged and cause infection.

It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after the implant has been placed. You may be advised to apply ice packs wrapped in towels onto the side of your face after treatment, but after the first day gentle heat will be more beneficial.

It is vital to maintain a good oral hygiene routine after treatment to ensure that it is successful.

Long Term Implant Care

After healing, you should look after your implants in the same way that you care for your natural teeth. Brush them twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and clean in between using floss or interdental brushes.

If you are interested in having implants placed, speak to our team at 01723 670500 or email us at info@newbydental.co.uk

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign gives you the opportunity to transform your smile comfortably and discreetly with removable aligners. The aligners are completely transparent and almost invisible. They are custom made and gradually straighten your teeth. As the aligners are removable, you can take them out when eating and brushing, making it much more comfortable to go about your day to day life.

How Does It Work?

Firstly you will need to make an appointment with your dentist who will take scans of your teeth using our new intra oral scanner to quickly create a virtual image of your mouth or they will take impressions. Your dentist will then work with you to create a custom treatment plan that you are comfortable with.

Next, you can start wearing your aligners. When you first pick them up, your dentist will ensure that they fit perfectly so that your dream smile is within sight. Invisalign aligners are made with flexible SmartTrack material, and laser trimmed to the gum line so that your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

You will have regular check-ups every 6-8 weeks to check your smile is progressing as planned and to pick up your new aligners.

Treatment takes an average of six months, but this depends on how complicated your dentist decides that your case is.

Once you have completed treatment, it is important that you continue to wear your aligners according to your treatment plan. Teeth have a tendency to move once treatment is complete, so by wearing your aligners you ensure long lasting results.

Am I Suitable For Treatment?

During your first appointment your dentist will be able to determine if Invisalign will work for you. However, you can use the invisalign Smile Assessment to decide for yourself.

To book your appointment please call us on 01723 670500, or if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at info@newbydental.co.uk

What Is Profhilo?

Profhilo is a hyaluronic acid based skin treatment that improves the texture, appearance and hydration of the skin.

It is essentially very concentrated hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in our body that stimulates skin cells to produce collagen and elastin – the substances that keep our skin youthful looking and prevent sagging. It is often used in moisturisers and serums, and as profhilo it is injected into the skin to boost collagen and elastin formation.

Once injected, Profhilo runs through the deep dermal layers of the skin and stimulates skin cells to produce elastin and collagen which regenerate and remodel the skin, giving us a plumper, more youthful, tighter and brighter glowy look to the skin. It can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve the texture and appearance of crepey areas of the skin (like the underarm or the chin) and is used both on the face and the body, including the hands and knees.

The injections are not too uncomfortable as they are done very slowly and using very thin needles, and the recommended initial treatment is 2 series of injections 4 weeks apart, and then a review at 3 months after which the results will be discussed. Many people show a visible response within the first 4 weeks but some people take longer, which is why we review at 3 months and then plan for further treatment depending on the patient’s response and need for maintenance treatment.

The cost is £350 for both of these sets of injections at appts 1 week and 4 weeks. It isn’t like dermal filler, which contains the filler part and so comes with the risks of vessel blocking/tissue necrosis – instead this is pure hyaluronic acid and so does not come with the same risks as filler and is very safe for injection in the majority of patients! It doesn’t restructure or recontour the face but it improves the skin texture, appearance and gives you a glowy youthful brighter tighter appearance. It’s injected over 5 points each side of the face and spreads through the skin like runny honey so obviously the normal things of a bit of swelling and bruising/tenderness after are normal but the results can be fantastic. It’s essentially like injecting really strong anti-wrinkle moisturiser into the skin!

It’s National Teeth Whitening Day!

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening is a professional process of removing stains and discolouration from teeth, by bleaching, to reveal a brighter smile. Bleaching is even beneficial to those who do not have staining as it can help to brighten your enamel.

Why You Should Celebrate

Foods and drinks stain our teeth overtime. After your treatment you will notice the difference that it has on your appearance, but also on your self confidence.

You also gain the benefit of a dental exam whilst ensuring that whitening is the best treatment for you.

How You Can Celebrate

  • Eat a balanced diet. If this is not already part of your day to day routine, today is the perfect time to start. Try to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as high-protein foods.
  • Visit your dentist. You should be attending regular checkups with your dentist. If you haven’t been for a while, now is a good time to book that appointment.
  • Replace your toothbrush. Most people are not aware of how often they should be changing their toothbrush. Did you know that you should be getting a new toothbrush (or toothbrush head if you use an electric toothbrush) every three months?
  • Book a professional tooth whitening appointment with us. Treat yourself with a bright smile.

If you are interested in tooth whitening, call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment or email us at info@newbydental.co.uk for more information.

What is an Intra Oral Scanner, and how does it provide a superior digital workflow for your dental care…..

Intra oral scanner at Newby Dental Practice, advanced digital workflows.

An intraoral scanner is a handheld device used to directly create a digital impression of the mouth. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

This means that any dental care required, that involves communicating with a lab (Crowns, bridges and Aligners such as Invisalign), can be completed digitally, usually without any in the mouth impressions!

This state of the art scanner is completely safe, does not emit any radiation, is pain free, and allows you to see the 3D image for your teeth and gums instantly.

Ask one of our dentists for a demo at your next visit- you’ll be amazed at what you can see!

Investing in your smile…..

According to the Oral Health Foundation, millennials spend three times more on dental treatment than any other generation, amounting to around £750 annually.

Over half of under 35s have had cosmetic treatment, whereas this reduces to just 10% of those in older groups. The most popular of these treatments is teeth whitening.

Of those millennials who haven’t yet had whitening treatment, nearly half plan to do so.

Boutique Whitening…….

The Foundation attributes this trend to the fact that we associate a smile with beauty, just as much as a bright smile is seen as an aspect of good health.

Whilst of course people of all ages can suffer from tooth loss, gum disease or tooth decay, younger generations experience fewer problems than older people. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the younger generation will opt for cosmetic enhancement as part of their dental care.

Initially, investment in a smile might be attending for regular dental checks, then visits to a dental hygienist for scaling and polishing. This might lead to further treatment, such as making a choice to have cosmetic bonding to fill any unwanted gaps between the teeth.

In the age of ‘celebrity’ and at a time when social media influencers are making people more aware of what is available to enhance appearance, we are tending to consider what impact we might have on others, such as when we attend a job interview or first join a group to meet new people. There’s no doubt that a bright and open smile is an attractive feature, which boosts confidence and encourages connection.

With all this in mind, a few words of caution about whitening are called for. Reports in 2020 indicated that illegal teeth whitening treatments had increased by 26%. Illegal teeth whitening is whitening treatment carried out by someone who is not a registered professional. The reason that it is so important to go to a dentist or dental hygienist for whitening is that the product used contains bleach, and to be effective and produce the results hoped for, the percentage of bleach has to be stronger than over the counter or online products can offer. Only professionals can ensure that the product is used and applied safely, and only professionals can carry out an initial examination to be sure that your teeth can be safely whitened.

So please be aware that the potential damage to your mouth, if you don’t take professional advice, could be painful, costly and permanent. There is nothing to be gained by trying to save money or believe in promises of a quick fix. It is worth knowing that in 2019, half of the online tray-based and whitening strip products on offer were not compliant with safety regulations; neither were a shocking 78% of brush-on whiteners.

It just takes a phone call to us, and a chat wit our reception team, to find out what’s involved in the whitening treatment – what the process is, how long it will take and what you can expect to pay. We even offer complimentary consultations with our treatment coordinators. It is well worth investing just a little of your time for the reassurance you need.