How to Look After Your Dental Implant

Implants allow you to comfortably enjoy the food you love without any pain or discomfort, whilst also enabling you to feel comfortable with your smile. After the life changing investment, you will need to ensure the durability of your dentures by taking care of them immediately after treatment but also in the long term.

Immediate Aftercare

You should avoid eating or drinking hot items, spicy foods and alcohol. Don’t eat until the local anaesthetic has worn off. Avoid heavy exercise until your body has fully recovered as this will increase the blood flow to your mouth and increase bleeding. Do not smoke until the area has completely healed as this can severely obstruct the healing process. If you wear dentures, don’t attempt to wear them until you dentist tells you to do so as they will apply pressure and affect the success of your implant.

It is normal to experience some bleeding after the implant placement. After the treatment you may be asked by your dentist to bite down on some gauze to apply pressure. If the bleeding still occurs after an hour, repeat with a fresh gauze. This should stop the bleeding but if it does continue please call us.

Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids and eat soft foods for a few days after surgery. Try to avoid eating on the area and do not eat foods like popcorn or seeded bread as this can become lodged and cause infection.

It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after the implant has been placed. You may be advised to apply ice packs wrapped in towels onto the side of your face after treatment, but after the first day gentle heat will be more beneficial.

It is vital to maintain a good oral hygiene routine after treatment to ensure that it is successful.

Long Term Implant Care

After healing, you should look after your implants in the same way that you care for your natural teeth. Brush them twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and clean in between using floss or interdental brushes.

If you are interested in having implants placed, speak to our team at 01723 670500 or email us at

The History Of Dentures

Ivory Dentures with Human Teeth

Now a days it is quite easy to get a replacement for a missing tooth, but not too far in the past, people would would go to extreme measures to try and replace their teeth.

The First Dentures

The Ancient Egyptians were the first to use dentures in 1500 BC. They were made from human teeth threaded together with gold wire. In 700 BC Italians began using animal teeth to replace their own. Tribes in Mexico also did this, using wolf teeth. Ancient Mayans even replaced missing teeth with carved stones, bits of bone or even seashells. These materials worked well because they would fuse with the patient’s jaw bone for a permanent fix.

Wooden Dentures

Wooden dentures were common in japan from the 16th century. A priestess who lived in the Kii Province wore the first wooden teeth. This style of denture was used up until the 19th century. However, they weren’t the common option in the western world.

Ivory Dentures

George Washington wore ivory dentures made from hippopotamus tusks. Many people wore ivory dentures made from walrus, hippo or elephant tusks. However the material deteriorated quickly and stained yellow promptly. These types of dentures were still being worn in the early 19th century.

Human Teeth

In the 1800s, sugar consumption increased rapidly in Europe, especially England. This led to lots of people losing their teeth by the time they were 50, needing a way to replace them. French Physician Pierre Fauchard is known as the father of modern dentistry after publishing a book called ‘The Surgeon Dentist’ which included dental care practices that are still followed to this day. Shockingly, the teeth from soldiers who died in the Battle of Waterloo were used as replacements. Teeth were removed from cadavers and mounted onto an ivory base. These teeth were very popular among the elite and were seen as a sign of wealth.

Porcelain Dentures

The first pair of porcelain dentures were produced in 1744 by a British physician. However, they looked unnaturally white and they were very fragile. In 1820 porcelain teeth were mounted onto gold plates with springs and swivels which allowed the teeth to work more efficiently.

Vulcanite Dentures

In the 1850s, vulcanite was used to make dentures. Vulcanite is a type of hardened rubber. It is cheap meaning that dentures became available to people who could not afford them in the past. For the first time ever, middle class people could wear false teeth along with the rich and wealthy.

Modern Dentures

In the 20th century, acrylic and rubber compounds were used in the development of false teeth. Modern dentures are made from a blend of acrylic resin, metal and sometimes porcelain. Due to the improved quality of dental hygiene advice, the need for dentures has decreased.

Famous Figures From The Past

Centuries ago, the only people that could afford dentures were the rich and wealthy. Here are some examples of wealthy figures who used to wear dentures.

George Washington

Contrary to the common legend, George Washington’s teeth were actually made from ivory, not wood. Washington suffered from poor dental health throughout his life, caused by many elements including a poorly balanced diet and disease. Due to this, he involved the help of Dr John Baker to fashion his false teeth from ivory that was wired to his last remaining teeth.

When Washington was inaugurated President, he only had one tooth remaining. Dr John Greenwood made an advanced set of dentures made from hippopotamus ivory and using gold wire springs and brass screws to hold the teeth in place. He even left a hole to accommodate Washington’s final tooth.

Queen Elizabeth

Before dental prevention practices were used, problematic teeth were extracted left and right. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign from 1558-1603, ivory dentures hadn’t been developed. Her only solution was to stuff bits of cloth into the gaps in her teeth when attending public events.

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign gives you the opportunity to transform your smile comfortably and discreetly with removable aligners. The aligners are completely transparent and almost invisible. They are custom made and gradually straighten your teeth. As the aligners are removable, you can take them out when eating and brushing, making it much more comfortable to go about your day to day life.

How Does It Work?

Firstly you will need to make an appointment with your dentist who will take scans of your teeth using our new intra oral scanner to quickly create a virtual image of your mouth or they will take impressions. Your dentist will then work with you to create a custom treatment plan that you are comfortable with.

Next, you can start wearing your aligners. When you first pick them up, your dentist will ensure that they fit perfectly so that your dream smile is within sight. Invisalign aligners are made with flexible SmartTrack material, and laser trimmed to the gum line so that your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

You will have regular check-ups every 6-8 weeks to check your smile is progressing as planned and to pick up your new aligners.

Treatment takes an average of six months, but this depends on how complicated your dentist decides that your case is.

Once you have completed treatment, it is important that you continue to wear your aligners according to your treatment plan. Teeth have a tendency to move once treatment is complete, so by wearing your aligners you ensure long lasting results.

Am I Suitable For Treatment?

During your first appointment your dentist will be able to determine if Invisalign will work for you. However, you can use the invisalign Smile Assessment to decide for yourself.

To book your appointment please call us on 01723 670500, or if you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us at

What Is Profhilo?

Profhilo is a hyaluronic acid based skin treatment that improves the texture, appearance and hydration of the skin.

It is essentially very concentrated hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in our body that stimulates skin cells to produce collagen and elastin – the substances that keep our skin youthful looking and prevent sagging. It is often used in moisturisers and serums, and as profhilo it is injected into the skin to boost collagen and elastin formation.

Once injected, Profhilo runs through the deep dermal layers of the skin and stimulates skin cells to produce elastin and collagen which regenerate and remodel the skin, giving us a plumper, more youthful, tighter and brighter glowy look to the skin. It can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve the texture and appearance of crepey areas of the skin (like the underarm or the chin) and is used both on the face and the body, including the hands and knees.

The injections are not too uncomfortable as they are done very slowly and using very thin needles, and the recommended initial treatment is 2 series of injections 4 weeks apart, and then a review at 3 months after which the results will be discussed. Many people show a visible response within the first 4 weeks but some people take longer, which is why we review at 3 months and then plan for further treatment depending on the patient’s response and need for maintenance treatment.

The cost is £350 for both of these sets of injections at appts 1 week and 4 weeks. It isn’t like dermal filler, which contains the filler part and so comes with the risks of vessel blocking/tissue necrosis – instead this is pure hyaluronic acid and so does not come with the same risks as filler and is very safe for injection in the majority of patients! It doesn’t restructure or recontour the face but it improves the skin texture, appearance and gives you a glowy youthful brighter tighter appearance. It’s injected over 5 points each side of the face and spreads through the skin like runny honey so obviously the normal things of a bit of swelling and bruising/tenderness after are normal but the results can be fantastic. It’s essentially like injecting really strong anti-wrinkle moisturiser into the skin!

Why You Should Stop Smoking

Smoking has a detrimental effect on your health, causing diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and strokes. Whilst these issues are often at the forefront of people’s minds, they often don’t consider the effects on their oral health.

Mouth Cancer

Reported by the NHS, 93% of cancers in the throat are caused by smoking, and if you smoke you are six times more at risk of developing mouth cancer than non-smokers. The risks increase further when combined with alcohol consumption and poor diet. However, if you stop smoking you decrease your risk of cancer even if you have previously been a heavy smoker. Mouth cancer can grow quite quickly so it is important you attend routine appointments so your dentist can look for early signs. At Newby Dental Practice we provide a cancer check with every check up, so book your appointment now!

Risk of Gum Disease

Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream meaning that infected gums can’t heal. This speeds up the effects of gum disease which can result in bone loss, leading to tooth loss.

Tooth Loss

As explained above, smoking reduces the oxygen flow in the bloodstream, worsening the effects of gum disease. Gum disease can result in bone loss which leads to tooth loss.

Bad Breath

When you smoke, over 4,000 chemicals pass through your mouth. The chemicals collect on the surface of your mouth and can mix with your saliva causing bad breath. Smoking can also cause bad breath by drying out your mouth.

Stained Teeth

Tobacco contains nicotine and tar that contribute to the yellow stain on teeth. After a long period of time, many smokers complain that their teeth are almost brown. Book an appointment with one of our hygienists to help remove the staining.

It’s National Teeth Whitening Day!

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening is a professional process of removing stains and discolouration from teeth, by bleaching, to reveal a brighter smile. Bleaching is even beneficial to those who do not have staining as it can help to brighten your enamel.

Why You Should Celebrate

Foods and drinks stain our teeth overtime. After your treatment you will notice the difference that it has on your appearance, but also on your self confidence.

You also gain the benefit of a dental exam whilst ensuring that whitening is the best treatment for you.

How You Can Celebrate

  • Eat a balanced diet. If this is not already part of your day to day routine, today is the perfect time to start. Try to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet, as well as high-protein foods.
  • Visit your dentist. You should be attending regular checkups with your dentist. If you haven’t been for a while, now is a good time to book that appointment.
  • Replace your toothbrush. Most people are not aware of how often they should be changing their toothbrush. Did you know that you should be getting a new toothbrush (or toothbrush head if you use an electric toothbrush) every three months?
  • Book a professional tooth whitening appointment with us. Treat yourself with a bright smile.

If you are interested in tooth whitening, call us on 01723 670500 to book an appointment or email us at for more information.

What is an Intra Oral Scanner, and how does it provide a superior digital workflow for your dental care…..

Intra oral scanner at Newby Dental Practice, advanced digital workflows.

An intraoral scanner is a handheld device used to directly create a digital impression of the mouth. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

This means that any dental care required, that involves communicating with a lab (Crowns, bridges and Aligners such as Invisalign), can be completed digitally, usually without any in the mouth impressions!

This state of the art scanner is completely safe, does not emit any radiation, is pain free, and allows you to see the 3D image for your teeth and gums instantly.

Ask one of our dentists for a demo at your next visit- you’ll be amazed at what you can see!

Investing in your smile…..

According to the Oral Health Foundation, millennials spend three times more on dental treatment than any other generation, amounting to around £750 annually.

Over half of under 35s have had cosmetic treatment, whereas this reduces to just 10% of those in older groups. The most popular of these treatments is teeth whitening.

Of those millennials who haven’t yet had whitening treatment, nearly half plan to do so.

Boutique Whitening…….

The Foundation attributes this trend to the fact that we associate a smile with beauty, just as much as a bright smile is seen as an aspect of good health.

Whilst of course people of all ages can suffer from tooth loss, gum disease or tooth decay, younger generations experience fewer problems than older people. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the younger generation will opt for cosmetic enhancement as part of their dental care.

Initially, investment in a smile might be attending for regular dental checks, then visits to a dental hygienist for scaling and polishing. This might lead to further treatment, such as making a choice to have cosmetic bonding to fill any unwanted gaps between the teeth.

In the age of ‘celebrity’ and at a time when social media influencers are making people more aware of what is available to enhance appearance, we are tending to consider what impact we might have on others, such as when we attend a job interview or first join a group to meet new people. There’s no doubt that a bright and open smile is an attractive feature, which boosts confidence and encourages connection.

With all this in mind, a few words of caution about whitening are called for. Reports in 2020 indicated that illegal teeth whitening treatments had increased by 26%. Illegal teeth whitening is whitening treatment carried out by someone who is not a registered professional. The reason that it is so important to go to a dentist or dental hygienist for whitening is that the product used contains bleach, and to be effective and produce the results hoped for, the percentage of bleach has to be stronger than over the counter or online products can offer. Only professionals can ensure that the product is used and applied safely, and only professionals can carry out an initial examination to be sure that your teeth can be safely whitened.

So please be aware that the potential damage to your mouth, if you don’t take professional advice, could be painful, costly and permanent. There is nothing to be gained by trying to save money or believe in promises of a quick fix. It is worth knowing that in 2019, half of the online tray-based and whitening strip products on offer were not compliant with safety regulations; neither were a shocking 78% of brush-on whiteners.

It just takes a phone call to us, and a chat wit our reception team, to find out what’s involved in the whitening treatment – what the process is, how long it will take and what you can expect to pay. We even offer complimentary consultations with our treatment coordinators. It is well worth investing just a little of your time for the reassurance you need.

Foods to help your teeth whitening – and those that don’t

The foods you should and shouldn’t eat to maintain your sparkling white smile

If you’ve just had your teeth whitened by us at Newby Dental Practice, you’re likely to want to maintain your new smile for as long as possible. These few tips will help whether you opted for Day Time Boutique smile or a Night Time Boutique smile

You probably already know that there are foods that you should avoid, but did you also know that some foods can help to keep your teeth white?

Foods that you should eat

Strawberries – Strawberries contain an enzyme called malic acid, which helps to whiten your teeth.

Apples – Apples also contain malic acid, but this is not the only way that they help to keep your teeth white. The act of chewing an apple also helps to clean your mouth.

Carrots – Like apples, the crunchy nature of carrots can scrub your teeth while you eat them.

Cheese – A deficiency in calcium can lead to discoloration of teeth, so it is important to eat foods which are rich in calcium, such as cheese. In addition to this, cheese contains lots of lactic acid which helps to prevent tooth decay.

Citrus fruits – Citrus fruits cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which helps to wash your teeth as you eat. Don’t eat too much though, as these are very erosive for your new white smile!

Foods and drinks that you should avoid

Chromogens give food strong colour and some foods contain tannin. Foods with a high acid content can erode enamel, allowing stains to set in. As a general rule, if it colours your tongue or stains your clothes, then that’s what it will do to your teeth.

Foods: Berries, beetroot and berry juices; curries; tomato-based products, such as tomato soup and pasta sauce, which contain a bright red pigment called lycopene, which, again, can cause staining over time.

Condiments: Balsamic vinegar and soy sauce

Drinks: Cola, red wine, tea, coffee

Beauty Salon And At Home Teeth Whitening?

Like home teeth straightening, social media has generated an influx of people looking to whiten their teeth, but what is and isn’t safe?

In the UK, teeth whitening comes under the scope of practice of ‘dentistry’, which is regulated by law. This means that teeth whitening must only be carried out by dental professionals, who are registered with the GDC. Therefore, any person offering teeth whitening using between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen peroxide can be prosecuted by Trading Standards and the Health and Safety Executive, the GDC may also press for this action and work alongside these regulatory bodies.

There are risks that come with going to someone that is not a qualified dental professional.

Firstly, home kits don’t contain enough whitening product to actually be effective for whitening your teeth. Additionally, if a dental professional isn’t doing the whitening, the whitening trays provided may not fit properly around your teeth. This can then cause some of the bleaching gel to leak out onto your gums and into your mouth, causing blistering and sensitivity.

Teeth whitening carried out at home, or in beauty salons by untrained staff or staff without dental qualifications also puts your oral health at risk and is also illegal.

Existing dental restorations such as fillings, crowns and veneers are not affected by the whitening, so we can’t change their colour. As the colour of your teeth lightens, any dark or unsightly pieces of dentistry will become more obvious, therefore they may need replacing if you chose to whiten your teeth.

Here at Newby dental Practice, we offer Boutique teeth whitening. Boutique is a premium tooth whitening product. Not only is it the product we recommend, it is the one we use ourselves too!

Boutique tooth whitening works with the use of special trays, made especially for you. You can use it for a couple of hours during the day, or overnight, for those that have a busy lifestyle. All our treatments are tailored around you, and work to achieve the result you want!

If teeth whitening is something you’re interested in, ask your dentist next to you visit us, or book in for a consultation to see how Boutique could improve your smile!