New Dentist, New Surgery Built, How We Design our Dental Surgeries

We have a new dentist joining our practice in Scarborough and currently we don’t have anywhere for him to treat patients. Luckily when we were building the practice back at the start of 2021 we added the services needed for a further dental surgery to be built if required. It now so happens that with Peter joining us sooner than expected that that we now need to go to the design phase and start planning the layout.

Here is how we design the surgeries, enjoy the video!

How we design our Dental Surgeries

Peter is excited to join us, especially as he is going to be using a brand new dental surgery. He was previously working as a dentist all the way down in Plymouth however he had previously been working in Scarborough as Dentist several years ago. He’s looking forward to the move back and cant wait to join our fantastic dental team that we have at Newby Dental Practice.

Invisalign Vs. Home Orthodontic Treatment

With all of the options available on the internet, the adverts all over social media…. is tooth straightening at home really a safe option?

Invisalign Treatment

The first, most important point to make is that with Invisalign treatment, you are in the hands of a registered dentist who sees you face to face. They know your lifestyle habits, they know what you look like in person, they know what you would like to achieve, and most importantly…. they know what you teeth and gums actually look like!

With Invisalign, your dentist will check your teeth before treatment, ensuring you have no active gum disease, no cavities that require fillings, and they can take x rays to ensure you have no underlying abscesses which could flare up and cause problems. They will also arrange appointments with you for a review every few weeks, to ensure no problems have occured and to monitor your treatment to ensure nothing goes wrong.

As with all dental procedures, there are risks that come with Invisalign treatment, however these are minimised with regular reviews with your Invisalign dentist.

By using an Invisalign treatment with a dentist, they can ensure the impressions required to start your treatment are as perfect as possible before being sent away. Additionally if, like ourselves, they have a 3D scanner – they can take an actual scan of your teeth to send to Invisalign to create your Clini-check and aligners. (It doesn’t get much more accurate than that!)

Throughout an Invisalign treatment with a dentist, they will ensure everything fits correctly, adjust your teeth as required before treatment, and add small amounts of white composite to the fronts of some of your teeth to help create areas for the aligners to grip to move your teeth.

Home Teeth Straightening

By using a home tooth straightening kit, you don’t have a dentist there to take your x rays, check your teeth and gums and regularly review the treatment in person to ensure everything is going to plan. This can result in a higher chance of risks occurring, such as finishing treatment with straighter teeth that then need to be filled or extracted…. so not really the result you would hope for!

With home teeth straightening kits, they send you the basics of what you will need to take your own impressions to start. These impressions can sometimes need to be retaken even when a dentist does them for you, so they are extremely difficult to get accurate, especially on yourself!

When you complete these impressions at home, they are sent away to the laboratories that make the aligners for the online company, so it is essential that these are as accurate as possible to ensure the aligners will actually fit, and the course of treatment you require is correct. If these impressions are not taken correctly, they will need to be retaken and sent away again, adding more time to your treatment.

During the course of treatment, any reviews will be completed either other the phone, video chat or just through a chat or email with the company. This may or may not be with a dentist, and it’s certain that nobody will be there to physically examine how the treatment is progressing

Unfortunately, applying composite material and adjusting the spaces between your teeth at home is just something you’re not going to be able to do! Therefore meaning any treatment provided with your at home teeth straightening kit is not going to be the optimum of what you could achieve.

In a nutshell, registered dental professionals have a professional responsibility to follow the Standards for the Dental Team and provide patient-centered, safe care based on authoritative clinical guidance. Therefore you can be assured that your Invisalign dentist is working as safely as they possibly can to minimise any risks. Dental professionals also need to ensure that they are appropriately indemnified, meaning they are insured if anything were to go wrong. Those who do not comply with the Standards for the Dental Team, indemnity requirements and authoritative clinical guidance put patient safety, and their registration, at risk.

It is therefore our recommendation that patients visit a qualified Invisalign dentist or orthodontist for any tooth straightening treatments, to optimise your safety and take care of those pearly whites!

Starting the Little Ones off Right

We all know that those first visits to the dentist can make us a little anxious, so here are a few things you can do to help prepare children for their first dental visits!

1 – Start by preparing at home

Start to introduce your little one to the dentist by talking about their teeth, and telling them about the special chair that takes them on a fun ride! The chair can be a big, scary place for someone so small.
(Top tip, some childrens cartoons have dedicated dental episodes to help with just this! Pop them on for your little one to watch and see their favourite character go to the dentist too)

2 – Ensure good oral hygiene at home

Brushing at home is the best way to help your little one understand the dentist. Helping them brush and checking their teeth at home will help us to be able to check them here too! Don’t worry, you don’t need to know what decay looks like, just as long as your little one will happily open their mouth for you to check, it helps to develop a routine and make looking at their teeth a normal experience, which equals it being less strange as scary here!

3 – We LOVE to meet your cuddly friends!

Bringing a cuddly toy to the dentist can really help children to be confident for their check ups. Plus, we love to meet them, find out their names and if they are really lucky, their best buddy can even have a check up too to show you how it is done!

4 – Use a positive approach

Use positive language when talking about visiting the dentist, such as saying how fun and exciting it will be! We understand some parents suffer with dental anxieties, and we need to try our best to ensure children don’t develop any too.

Trips to the dentist don’t have to be scary, and instead should be portrayed as a fun experience with lots of praise for happy teeth! Our lovely dentists are all fantastic with children and helping to make check ups a positive experience.

We advise parents to bring children before the age of 1, even if they don’t have any teeth! These first appointments help to reassure children and familiarise them with the dentist, setting them up with dental confidence for life.

Plus…. it is always worth it for a sticker!

Electric Vs Manual – Which to choose?

When it comes to dental and hygiene appointments, one of the most frequently asked questions is “should I use an electric or a manual toothbrush?” – we are here to provide the information you need to be able to choose which would work best for you.

Electric Toothbrush: A rechargeable electric toothbrush is the kind you plug into the wall to recharge, keeping the handle and replacing the brush head every three months. Rechargeable electric toothbrushes differ among the kind of cleaning technology they use, such as oscillating-rotating (3D Cleaning Action) or sonic technology.

Electric toothbrushes now come with multiple features, such as a pressure sensor, multiple brushing modes, timers and even Bluetooth to track where you have brushed and how effectively!

Electric toothbrushes have built in timers to help you record how long you are brushing for – something that a manual toothbrush can’t do. This then helps you to make sure every part of your mouth is getting the attention it requires to maintain good, effective cleaning.

The movements of the Electric toothbrush does almost all of the work for you, alongside the correct technique it is said in a recent new study to have healthier gums, less tooth decay and also prolong the life of teeth, compared to a manual toothbrush. If you are unsure of which technique to use, your Hygienist or Dentist would be more than happy to go over an efficient technique that would work for you!

If you are someone that struggles with dexterity or arthritis, then this would be the better option for you as there is less brushing work needed from you.

There is also an added benefit of less waste from replacing a manual toothbrush to a small replacement electric head, which is always an added bonus!!

Colorful toothbrushes on blue background. Top view.

Manual Toothbrush: Although manual toothbrushes don’t provide the benefits and features of a rechargeable electric toothbrush, they can still have their own benefits such as textured bristles, ergonomically designed handles, gum stimulators and tongue cleaning pads.

Manual Toothbrushes also come with their benefits, they have been around for a very long time, and are still an effective way of removing plaque build up from your teeth and gums, again with the correct technique this can be very effective.

So which should I choose?

Choosing a toothbrush is completely personal preference, and whichever you feel gives you the most effective clean. If you are comfortable using a Manual Toothbrush, and have found that your dentist feels as though you are doing a great job, then what’s the need to change? The most important thing to us is that you have something which you feel confident to brush well with and twice daily.

However, if you would like to take the plunge from a manual toothbrush to and electric, or would just like some advice on what you should be looking for when buying a new toothbrush; your hygienist/dentist would be more than happy to recommend a suitable brand and model for you at your next appointment!

Some of our favourite options can be found here:

Oral B:

Phillips Sonicare:

Find out more about the hygienist treatments we have to offer at Newby Dental Practice here:

It’s National Smile Month!

National Smile Month is happening between 17 May and 17 June 2021. During this time, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues, and sharing tips and advice on how to look after your smile.

Just a few benefits of smiling…..

It relieves stress, boosts your immune system, helps you stay positive, makes you look younger, lowers your blood pressure, and it is contagious in the best way possible! A happy and smiling you, means smiling people around you.

And the best part? It shows off your teeth!

A big factor as to why people avoid smiling is because they feel self-conscious about their teeth; which is why we are here to help!

If you’d like to find out more about the cosmetic treatment we offer, book a consultation with one of our team at Newby. We will be happy to discuss your treatment options to work towards your new smile.

More information, tips and advice from National Smile Month can be found at


How we are keeping you safe whilst you attend your dentist appointment

Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, we have changed how we provide your dental care to make you and our team feel safe.

Before your dental appointment

The day before your appointment, one of our lovely reception team will try to give you a call. This call will be to check your appointment time, clarify that you can still attend and to run through some Covid screening questions. This will consist of questions such as: Have you been asked to self isolate? Do you have a temperature or fever? Have you been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19?

After confirming you are fit and well to attend your dentist appointment, the reception team will then run through the rest of your appointment journey with you. Please do not worry if we have to reschedule your appointment due to having any signs/symptoms or being in contact with anyone who has Covid-19; we are here to provide you with a safe visit and will happily accommodate any changes you may need.

Attending the practice

When you attend the practice, we please ask that you attend alone where possible, with little possessions, and wearing a face covering or visor to protect both yourself, our team and other patients. When you come into the practice, there are hand sanitisation stations (the first is on the left of the entrance door, and others are located on the reception desk). You are welcome to come into the reception area, where we have made a safe, socially distanced area for you to take a seat inside. We have three different waiting areas available, to ensure that patients are always well distanced, and there is always a quieter area should you wish to distance yourself further. Alternatively, we are very happy for patients to wait in their vehicle, or outside the practice until their appointment time, where someone will come and collect them to bring them straight through to the surgery.

We are also very happy to try and accommodate vulnerable patients who must attend the practice, by changing their appointment times to the first or last appointment of day, and before lunch times to ensure the practice is as quiet as possible to make you feel comfortable.

To ensure that we are able to control cross infection, and helping the environment as much as possible, we have now changed to electronic Clinipads. The Clinipads replace any paper we previously needed you to sign within the practice, such as medical histories and consent forms for treatment. The reception team will pass you a Clinipad to complete if required, and you can rest assured that these are fully sanitised between patients, and far more hygienic than any paper copies we previously held and pens! The team are always happy to help with any queries and problems you may have, don’t be afraid to ask.

The team are always constantly busy cleaning and sanitising the doors, chairs, card machines, Clinipads and reception desk in the waiting areas, to ensure that everyone’s safety is priority.

Entering the dental surgery

Your dentist, hygienist or nurse will call you from the waiting areas when they are ready for you, they may be wearing something different to what you previously saw them wearing.

Within the surgery the dentist, hygienist and nurse will now typically be seen wearing a face mask, visor and apron for any routine appointments that do not produce an aerosol spray (we call these a non-AGP (non-aerosol generating procedure)). For aerosol generating procedures (AGP’s), such as a filling or root canal treatment, they now have to don a full respirator, gown and eye protection. The respirators and gowns can appear slightly daunting, but we promise that they have the same smiling faces underneath, ready to help you with any concerns and ensure you leave happy!

Once you leave the surgery, the dental nurse works hard to ensure every surface is fully disinfected and cleaned, ready for the next patient.

If you have attended for an AGP, the surgery must be left to fallow and complete a number of air changes to ensure any aerosol spray has settled and the air has been neutralised. We have managed to speed up this process by ensuring excellent extraction based ventilation within each surgery; this then allows the air changes and neutralisation to occur quicker, meaning we can accommodate more appointments and ensure we can see you as soon as possible!

Once these air changes have been completed, the nurse can then re-enter the surgery and disinfect all surface, ensuring everything has been thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next patient.

Leaving the surgery

When you leave the surgery, the friendly reception team will be waiting for you to complete any forms on the Clinipad and settle up any appointments and payments before you leave.

They will check for any feedback on how your appointment was, and if you were happy.

We hope that by making the practice as hygienic and comfortable as possible, we can reduce any anxiety you may have about attending your appointments at this uncertain time.

We do however completely understand any patients that may wish to reschedule appointments due to the pandemic, and hope to see you in the not so distant future, safe and well!

If you need a dentist in Scarborough, you know where we are, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.

We remain open throughout the lockdown

As the providers of essential dental medical services, our door will remain open throughout this lockdown.

We will make sure all of our patients that need dental care and attention will receive it. All of our dental services will continue to be accessible. We have strict cross infection control procedures in place, enhanced PPE, and as such we are protecting both our staff and patients.

If you need a dentist in Scarborough, you know where we are, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.

Newby Dental Practice – – 01723 670 500


It’s great to be open!

Welcome to

Newby Dental Practice

It’s been a challenge, opening a new dental practice in Scarborough, during a pandemic, but we got there. We couldn’t be more excited about everyone finally getting to see what we’ve been working on.

Our surgeries have been designed to be light, open and airy, to ensure we can comply with all the COVID requirements, keeping our staff and patients safe.

We have kept things minimal, so from a cross infection point of view, things can be easily kept clean.

Each surgery has been specifically designed for accessibility and usability for both patients and staff.

They are custom built dental surgeries to enable us to provide high quality dental care in Scarborough

Digital x ray machines and intra oral cameras are in each surgery, for assessments during your dental consultations.

With state of the art equipment, we ensure your visit to Newby Dental Practice, whether it’s for your check-up, hygiene treatment, or more complex restorative work, will far exceed your expectation. Our surgeries are spacious allowing your dentist ample room to work around you.

We’re even more excited now we have our artwork to show off too. Amazing work from, it’s really given the dental practice the finishing touch. A beautiful practice in at the heart of Scarborough.

Click here to register your interest, and we will contact you with details about how to become a patient at Newby dental practice, the new dentist in Scarborough!

We’re officially open!

It’s nice to finally be open! ? A big thank you to everyone that has been involved in helping us to create what we think is something really special.

If you are in need of a dentist in the Scarborough area, don’t hesitate to get in touch, we can be reached on 01723 670 500 or emailed 24/7 at

Dentist  in scarborough  uk


