Worried about bad breath?

Worried about bad breath? Your new dentist in Scarborough can help!

If bad breath is something you worry about, you’re not alone. Studies show that over 60% of the population worry about havng bad breath, but only 20% of these people seek advice from their dentist.

Bad breath can be caused by lots of factors, smoking and diet are the main causes, both of these can be changed to reduce the effects. Our oral health educator can help you make some improvements to your habits which will reduce the causes of bad breath.

Gum disease and dental decay can also cause bad breath, and this is where we can help. By maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, regular dental and hygienist check ups, we can help make bad breath worries a thing of the past.

Another concern that can result in bad breath is also oral cancers. This is the most important reason for keeping up to date with your routine dental checks, as at each visit we complete a thorough soft tissue check to make sure your mouth is nice and healthy.

If you’re concerned about bad breath see how we can help you keep your mouth fresh and healthy.

Want to know more about the dental treatments we offer?

If you would like to know more about the different treatments we offer at Newby Dental Practice, why not book a complimentary appointment with one of our Treatment Coordinators. 

Our Treatment Coordinators can discuss with you any dental treatment that you might be interested in, so you can get a better idea of what is involved, how it can help you, and further information on cost. 

Beth and Beth are particularly experienced in discussing our more complex treatments such as Implants (to replace missing teeth), Invisalign (to get you straighter teeth), Dental Sedation (to help keep you relaxed) and facial aesthetics procedures. 

Why not get in touch with the new dentist in Scarborough, see if we can help you 

Call now on 01723 670 500 

E mail info@newbydental.co.uk

We’re here to make you smile!

Jaw problems and headaches

Dental pain, Emergency dentist in Scarborough

It’s stressful times at the moment. We are all feeling it, just in different ways. Work Life balances have shifted, working patterns have changed, working from home has its own challenges, not to mention if you’re homeschooling too. Not having social interactions and catch ups with friends and family has a massive impact on how we live our lives.

One consequence of all this stress and related anxiety is clenching and grinding your teeth at night. This is often a subconscious, and not always something you’re aware of doing. But the symptoms include severe pain and headaches, toothache and tenderness in the head, face and neck muscles.

If this sounds like you, we can provide you with emergency dental treatment in Scarborough, and advice you on the best solutions.

Contact us and see if we can help

01723 670 500


How we are keeping you safe whilst you attend your dentist appointment

Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, we have changed how we provide your dental care to make you and our team feel safe.

Before your dental appointment

The day before your appointment, one of our lovely reception team will try to give you a call. This call will be to check your appointment time, clarify that you can still attend and to run through some Covid screening questions. This will consist of questions such as: Have you been asked to self isolate? Do you have a temperature or fever? Have you been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19?

After confirming you are fit and well to attend your dentist appointment, the reception team will then run through the rest of your appointment journey with you. Please do not worry if we have to reschedule your appointment due to having any signs/symptoms or being in contact with anyone who has Covid-19; we are here to provide you with a safe visit and will happily accommodate any changes you may need.

Attending the practice

When you attend the practice, we please ask that you attend alone where possible, with little possessions, and wearing a face covering or visor to protect both yourself, our team and other patients. When you come into the practice, there are hand sanitisation stations (the first is on the left of the entrance door, and others are located on the reception desk). You are welcome to come into the reception area, where we have made a safe, socially distanced area for you to take a seat inside. We have three different waiting areas available, to ensure that patients are always well distanced, and there is always a quieter area should you wish to distance yourself further. Alternatively, we are very happy for patients to wait in their vehicle, or outside the practice until their appointment time, where someone will come and collect them to bring them straight through to the surgery.

We are also very happy to try and accommodate vulnerable patients who must attend the practice, by changing their appointment times to the first or last appointment of day, and before lunch times to ensure the practice is as quiet as possible to make you feel comfortable.

To ensure that we are able to control cross infection, and helping the environment as much as possible, we have now changed to electronic Clinipads. The Clinipads replace any paper we previously needed you to sign within the practice, such as medical histories and consent forms for treatment. The reception team will pass you a Clinipad to complete if required, and you can rest assured that these are fully sanitised between patients, and far more hygienic than any paper copies we previously held and pens! The team are always happy to help with any queries and problems you may have, don’t be afraid to ask.

The team are always constantly busy cleaning and sanitising the doors, chairs, card machines, Clinipads and reception desk in the waiting areas, to ensure that everyone’s safety is priority.

Entering the dental surgery

Your dentist, hygienist or nurse will call you from the waiting areas when they are ready for you, they may be wearing something different to what you previously saw them wearing.

Within the surgery the dentist, hygienist and nurse will now typically be seen wearing a face mask, visor and apron for any routine appointments that do not produce an aerosol spray (we call these a non-AGP (non-aerosol generating procedure)). For aerosol generating procedures (AGP’s), such as a filling or root canal treatment, they now have to don a full respirator, gown and eye protection. The respirators and gowns can appear slightly daunting, but we promise that they have the same smiling faces underneath, ready to help you with any concerns and ensure you leave happy!

Once you leave the surgery, the dental nurse works hard to ensure every surface is fully disinfected and cleaned, ready for the next patient.

If you have attended for an AGP, the surgery must be left to fallow and complete a number of air changes to ensure any aerosol spray has settled and the air has been neutralised. We have managed to speed up this process by ensuring excellent extraction based ventilation within each surgery; this then allows the air changes and neutralisation to occur quicker, meaning we can accommodate more appointments and ensure we can see you as soon as possible!

Once these air changes have been completed, the nurse can then re-enter the surgery and disinfect all surface, ensuring everything has been thoroughly cleaned and ready for the next patient.

Leaving the surgery

When you leave the surgery, the friendly reception team will be waiting for you to complete any forms on the Clinipad and settle up any appointments and payments before you leave.

They will check for any feedback on how your appointment was, and if you were happy.

We hope that by making the practice as hygienic and comfortable as possible, we can reduce any anxiety you may have about attending your appointments at this uncertain time.

We do however completely understand any patients that may wish to reschedule appointments due to the pandemic, and hope to see you in the not so distant future, safe and well!

If you need a dentist in Scarborough, you know where we are, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.


Toothache? We’re still here. We have been providing emergency dental care in Scarborough throughout the pandemic. Even when dental practice’s were closed, our team were on hand dispensing out advice, temporary filling repair kits and antibiotics or painkillers where required.

Even if you are not registered with us, if you need emergency dental treatment, just contact us. As the new dentist in Scarborough, we are aiming to do everything we can to help out throughout this crisis.

For our Denplan patients, we offer emergency cover every weekday, and call out cover both on weekends and bank holidays.

We’re here to help when you need us.

Emergency dentist in Scarborough

Private dental care, paid for monthly.

Here at Newby Dental Practice, as a new dentist in Scarborough, we pride ourselves in providing excellent high quality dental care.

New dentist in scarborough

At Newby we offer a wide range of treatment options, so all your dental needs can be provided for in house.

What we are most passionate about, is our Denplan schemes. Denplan is a monthly payment plan that enables you to spread the cost of your dental treatment, so you don’t have to worry about any bills, and can access the dental treatment that you really want.

Being a Denplan patient also provides you with access to the hygienist, and the most up to date private treatment options available.

But the best thing about Denplan is, prices start from just £9.90 per month.

Talk to one of our reception team now, to find out how denplan can work for you.

CALL US NOW ON 01723 670 500

Returning to dental visits after lockdown

One of the many knock-on effects caused by COVID-19 has been the impact on oral health. Specifically, visiting the dentist.

On 24 March, the coronavirus pandemic forced all dental practices in the UK to close, except for a number of emergency treatment stations or dental Hubs.  This had a big impact on how our patients could access their dental care.

We’re here to make you smile

We were oncall everyday however, so although we could not necessarily do the same things we would have been able to, we were there for advice, pain relief , prescriptions and of course emergency care via our local Hub.

This changed on 8 June, when we were able to start opening our doors again- at our current location of Peasholm Dental Practice.

Just like everyone else, we have needed to adapt our previously ‘normal’ day-to-day routine.  We have been keeping up to date with all the guidance, and following all the advice, to make sure we keep our patients and staff happy and healthy.

Here’s a summary of what you might expect at your next visit:

Changes on arrival

Before you visit, we will be contacting you to check whether you feel well.  We will be asking you a few questions about your health and the health of the people you live with.  Nobody with any signs of COVID-19 will be able to visit the dental practice.

Appointments can only be made by telephone and we ask that you do not visit us without an appointment.  As a precaution, you will find our doors will be locked.  Reception are looking out for you though, so don’t worry!

It is best to arrive alone and on time (rather than early).  This will minimise your time waiting. Try not to bring too many things with you too.

While you are waiting

When you arrive at reception, a few things will be different.  The first might be that a member of staff­ is waiting for you to check you in.  They will be wearing PPE that you might normally only see them in once in surgery.

The next noticeable change on arrival might be that you will be asked to sanitise your hands.  This will be provided for you.  There will also be a protective barrier at reception – much like what you now see when shopping.  

You may be asked to wear a protective face mask. This is for your safety.

When you enter the waiting room you will notice that it has been reorganised for social distancing.  Be reassured that it is cleaned frequently and anything that isn’t easy to disinfect has already been removed.

Changes to how dental teams work

The most important thing to know in the wake of coronavirus, is how dental teams are making sure you are safe during treatment.     

Firstly, the treatment room will be well ventilated.  This means creating an airflow which does not recirculate, and that old air can leave the room as quickly as possible.

You will see that the dental team is wearing extra protective equipment, even more than normal!  As always, their equipment is fully sterilised.

The little sink next to the chair is out of action.  This means no rinsing.  Instead, your mouth will be cleared with suction. 

Like all dentists, we will be using equipment and techniques with a lower risk of spray.  Emergency procedures, which produce high levels of spray, will be done in different manner, but will still be as efficient and effective.

Non-urgent procedures may be delayed, and we are allowing more time between patients.  This allows for socisl distancing.

The surgeries are of course cleaned between patients, but this has always been the case- we have always had pride in our cleanliness.

When you are leaving

The final changes during your experience, is when you leave.

Firstly, it is safer to pay with a contactless card if you can, and use your own pen to sign any paperwork.  We will ask if it is ok for us to sign on your behalf, if you would prefer, this means you do not have to touch anything.

Usually, you might be handed a piece of paper or leaflet with advice or instructions about your treatment.  In the short term, this will no longer happen.  Instead, this information will be provided verbally, at a social distance.

Finally, if you need any further visits, these will be made over the phone for you, once you have returned home.

In summary

It’s important that you, as a patient, are comforted by the measures that are being taken.  All changes that have been made for the safety of staff and patients alike.

If in doubt, give the practice a call on 01723 500 340, and  ask to speak to Emma. She will ensure everything is explained to you, and help put your mind at ease.

We’re here to make you smile, even during these unprecedented times! We look forward to welcoming you all back soon.

Knocked out teeth….

What is an avulsed tooth?

An avulsed tooth is one that has been knocked out.

A tooth can be knocked out by a blow to the mouth, or an accident involving the face. This can happen for example while playing contact sports or other trauma. The tooth can be replaced in the socket successfully if you take the right action as soon as possible.

What to do if you or your child knocks out a tooth….

I’m bleeding, what can I do?

Don’t panic. Get a clean handkerchief and fold it up, then hold it over the socket and bite down. Keep your jaws together to apply pressure. If you need something for the pain, don’t take any medication containing aspirin as this can cause the bleeding to get worse. Do not apply clove oil to the wound.

I’ve still got the complete tooth, can it be replaced?

Maybe. The complete tooth needs to be replaced in the socket as soon as possible, ideally in under 30 minutes. But teeth have been successfully replaced up to 60 minutes after being knocked out.

What should I do with the tooth?

Don’t touch the root. If the tooth is very dirty, rinse it with milk or tap water. Do not clean it with disinfectant or let it dry out.

How do I put the tooth back in?

Hold the tooth by the crown and put it back into the socket firmly, root first. Bite on a clean handkerchief for about 15 to 20 minutes. Visit your dentist as soon as possible.

What should I do if I can’t get the tooth back in?

Your tooth has more chance of survival if you keep it in your cheek until you can get emergency dental treatment. This will keep the tooth in its most natural environment. If this is not possible, keep it in some milk.

What if I have only got part of the tooth?

It is not a good idea to try and put the tooth back into the socket if it is not complete. Contact your dental team us as soon as possible and we can tell you what can be done to restore the tooth. You may need dental x-rays to see if there is any root damage.

Is there anything I should do if I haven’t got the tooth?

If you cannot find the tooth, you may have swallowed it. If you think you may have swallowed or inhaled it, you may need an x-ray to be sure of this.

What if it is a baby tooth?

We do not recommend putting back a baby tooth in case an infection damaged the adult tooth underneath. Contact us to check this first though. We may need to examine the child to check if any bits of tooth are still in the gum. There is no way to temporarily replace a baby tooth, so the only treatment is to wait for the adult tooth to appear.

Contact us to book in for emergency dental treatment?

It is important to get emergency dental treatment. Contact us as soon as possible and explain what has happened.

What should happen at my emergency visit?

We will assess you and may treat any facial injury. However, treatment may be limited if there is any bruising or bleeding. We may take x-rays and will check if the tooth has re-implanted successfully. You will probably need more appointments for follow-up treatment.

What other treatment may I need?

If the tooth has re-implanted successfully you may not need any other treatment, as long as you keep up your regular check-ups. If the tooth becomes loose, it can be ‘splinted’ to the teeth next to it. This means it will be temporarily attached to keep it firm until we can tell whether it has re-implanted successfully.

If the tooth is lost or doesn’t re-implant successfully, it can be replaced at first with a denture. Then, when the socket has healed fully, you can have a bridge or dental implant.

Is there anything that I can do to avoid getting a tooth knocked out?

If you are playing sports, particularly contact sports, you should always wear a mouthguard.

This is a rubber-like cover that fits over your teeth and protects you against a blow to the mouth. Your dental team can have one made for you by taking an impression of your teeth and sending it to a laboratory. The laboratory then makes the mouthguard so that it fits your mouth exactly.

Mouthguards can be clear or coloured – for example, in the colours of the team kit if you want to wear one while playing sport.

If we can help with any advice or treatment, please contact us, and we will help. It can be an upsetting time, if a tooth is knocked out, especially if it is a child. Try not to panic, and call us as soon as you can.

Managing toothache during self-isolation

Top Tips for Managing Toothache During Self Isolation

In light of recent government advice, as we have all been advised to stay at home where possible, then the last thing you want is to develop toothache. We are here to provide advice and care for severe emergencies but we recommend everyone, especially those over 70 or at increased risk of severe illness due to COVID-19 follow stringent social distancing measures.

If you have symptoms of Coronavirus (new persistent cough and/or fever) you should not attend the practice. Please call 111 for the most up to date advice.

As it is not safe at the moment to see us, in most cases, there are a few things you can try to manage the pain until you can. It is unclear at this point when normal service will resume. If you have a swelling on your face or difficulty swallowing, this requires urgent professional attention so don’t be afraid to contact us for advice.

Email info@newbydentalpractice.co.uk for advice and where possible we will provide emergency care.


Decay is a bacterial breakdown in a tooth which causes a cavity. If the bacteria gets close to the nerve in a tooth, it can cause the tooth to be acutely sensitive. As the cavity causing inflammation of the nerve gets worse, the ligaments holding the tooth in position can also get inflamed which causes pain on biting.

If the tooth is acutely sensitive to temperature, antibiotics will not fix this. The decay needs to be removed to allow the tooth to heal. If the bacteria has caused irreversible damage to the nerve in the tooth then a root filling is required or the tooth needs to be extracted.

To help manage toothache until you can visit us, there are a few things that may help reduce the pain:

  • If there is a cavity in the tooth, a temporary filling material can be packed in to this space. These temporary filling kits are widely available from supermarkets or pharmacies.
  • Anti-inflammatory tablets (NSAIDs) can reduce the sensitivity. A combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol has been found to be beneficial if you can take them both – however, there are some possible reports that Ibuprofen may increase the symptoms of COVID-19 so Paracetamol alone is probably best if you have symptoms. Make sure you don’t exceed the recommended dosage!
  • Don’t stop taking the anti-inflammatory when the pain stops (or it will come back again!) You are wanting to reduce the inflammation of the nerve in the tooth which is causing the pain.
  • Desensitising toothpaste such as Sensodyne repair and protect or Colgate sensitive pro relief can help.
  • Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel applied to the area can help to numb the pain.
  • Keep your head elevated at night time- When you lie down to go to sleep, the pressure in the tooth can increase which increases pain. An extra pillow at night time can help
  • Keep the area cold– reducing blood flow to an area will reduce the inflammation and pain. Do not apply ice directly to a tooth as this can increase the pain as toothaches are quite sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.


(a swelling next to the tooth or pus discharging)

  • Rinse your mouth with warm salty mouthwash to try and draw out the infection into your mouth. Dissolve a spoonful of sea salt in warm water and rinse around your mouth/ hold it in your mouth next to the infected area. Repeat several times until the pain subsides.
  • Never put heat externally on your face as this can draw the infection into the tissues in your face causing external swellings.


  • If there is bacteria or food debris trapped between the gum and the tooth, this can cause pain.
  • Thoroughly clean the area with floss or a te-pe interdental brush. You could put corsodyl gel onto the brush to help clean the area.
  • Rinsing thoroughly with Corsodyl mouthwash can help (but Corsodyl will stain your teeth so we don’t recommend this for long term use).


Mouth ulcers can be a sign of underlying medical conditions such as iron deficiency so shouldn’t be ignored. Any mouth ulcer which doesn’t heal in two weeks should be checked by a dentist.

  • To reduce the discomfort, you can try a topical ansesthetic gel such as Orajel
  • To help with healing of ulcers, Gengigel can be effective as well as soothing the pain.
  • You can also rinse with warm salty mouthwash


If a tooth or filling has chipped or cracked, this can cause sensitivity from the tooth being exposed or pain to your tongue from sharp edges.

  • The sensitivity can be reduced by rubbing a de-sensitising toothpaste onto the tooth or placing a temporary filling material over the broken corner until a more definitive filling can be placed.

Our thoughts go out to all affected by this pandemic. We hope it is not too long before we will be able to return to the Practice and continue to do what we love – treating our amazing patients. It is times like these which really make you evaluate how lucky we are to have such an incredible team, amazing patients and lovely Practice.

Stay safe. Stay home.